Annual Turtle Naming Thread! Yay! My suggestions {Luminous, Lucrative, Lusty} x {Leatherback, Loggerhead, Leonardo} Turtle List: - David Lu!! P.S. Not that anyone is keeping score, but Adam Leeper came up with Groovy and Jack O'Quin picked Galapagos off the list (8/2011), Geoffrey Biggs picked Hydromedusa off the turtle list (5/2012), Arkapravo Bhaumik suggested Indigo and Kartik Babu suggested Igloo (1/2013), Katrina Bugyi had Jade (4/2014), Takashi Ogura translated Kame and Tom Moore came up with Kinetic Kame (5/2015). We've been doing this awhile. P.P.S. I'm partial to adjectives starting with Lu for some reason.