Hi Everyone, As were slowly transitioning to use http://discourse.ros.org more a new category has been setup as a place for community members to share the projects that they're working on or interested related to ROS. http://discourse.ros.org/c/ros-projects If you have a project that you'd like to share please announce it there. And as time goes on please consider it a forum to also give periodic updates as well. As you start posting repeatedly please pick a tag. And if a project becomes high enough volume a sub-category can be setup as well. We don't want to proscribe the exact methodology up front but want to let it grow. Note if you start getting more messages than you want it's quite fine to mute that category. You can do so from your user profile, or by using the drop down in the top right of the category. I hope that this category will also be a place that people can come and browse through the history to see what's going on in the community. Please let us know what you're working on! There are thousands of you out there and I'm sure there are a lot of people who would be interested in finding out more about what you're working on at the moment. Tully PS The meta topic related to proposing this category can be found at http://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-projects-category/161/3