Hi, I'm hoping to get the TurtleBot stack fully release early in the Kinetic cycle. There are only one or two layers of dependencies Below is the list of packages blocking turtlebot based on the indigo dependency tree. The majority of these repositories are ready for release. If you are a maintainer of one I'd appreciate it if you'd take a moment to make a release into Kinetic. Thanks, Tully The following repos cannot be released because of unreleased dependencies: turtlebot: capabilities depthimage_to_laserscan freenect_stack joystick_drivers kobuki kobuki_core kobuki_msgs libfreenect linux_peripheral_interfaces navigation openni2_camera openni2_launch rgbd_launch rocon_app_platform rocon_msgs rocon_multimaster rocon_tools smart_battery_msgs std_capabilities turtlebot_create yujin_ocs zeroconf_avahi_suite zeroconf_msgs Additional packages for turtlebot_simulator turtlebot_simulator: driver_common kobuki_desktop rospy_message_converter turtlebot turtlebot_apps yocs_msgs