Dear everyone, I’m delighted to announce a new standard for building robot components, H-ROS: the Hardware Robot Operating System. H-ROS provides manufacturers with the tools for building interoperable robot components that can easily be exchanged or replaced between robots. In a nutshell, H-ROS is about supporting a common environment of robot hardware components, where manufacturers comply with standard interfaces built upon ROS 2.0. Powered by the popular Robot Operating System (ROS) and built with industry and developers in mind, H-ROS classifies robot components in 5 types: sensing — used to perceive the world, actuation — allow interaction with the environment, communication — provide a means of interconnection, cognition — the brain of the robot and hybrid — components that group together different sub-components under a common interface. This building-block-style parts come as reusable and reconfigurable components allowing developers, to easily upgrade their robots with hardware from different manufacturers and add new features in seconds. H-ROS is now available for selected industry partners and will soon be released for the wider robotics community. Additional information can be requested through its official web page at H-ROS will also be showcased and presented officially at ROSCon 2016 (October 8th-9th) in Seoul, South Korea. Regards, *Víctor Mayoral Vilches* CTO & Co-Founder *Erle Robotics* | +34 616151561 *skype*: v.mayoral