
It should be possible to run the navfn planner on a static map without running move_base. Can you try bringing up the costmap with the attached parameters. I've tested this configuration on my machine and it brings up a costmap of a static map just fine.

There aren't any tutorials that deal with path planning alone, although there is extensive documentation on both NavfnROS ( and Costmap2DROS ( which are the two components of the navigation stack you want to link together. Basically, you'll create a node that holds a Costmap2DROS object which is passed to a NavfnROS object for planning. You can always look at the source code for move_base to get an idea of what you need to do, though move_base uses a plugin architecture which means it will never refer to a NavfnROS planner explicitly. Instead, it will refer to a BaseGlobalPlanner instance that NavfnROS inherits from, but the API will be the same.

Hope this helps,


On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 5:24 AM, Armin Hornung <> wrote:
Hi all!

I wonder where to start to set up a simple navigation that runs without
move_base, in particular a global path planner. For a start, a simple A*
on a static map should suffice. From what I've read, costmap_2d and
navfn should provide the right functionality, but do they without a
running robot? They seem to be tightly coupled with move_base and
constant sensor updates.

I tried just running costmap_2d_node, setting static_map: true and
map_type: costmap. The remainder of the example configuration file in
the costmap node stayed unchanged. After publishing a static tf from
/map => base_link the node requests the map from the map server, I see
"[DEBUG] 1270726860.099638000: Map update time: 0.000677000", and that's
it. I would have expected to get an obstacle map as depicted in, but
/costmap_node/costmap/inflated_obstacles (and the other published
topics) are never sent out. Is there something obvious missing?

Are there any starting points or tutorials dealing with path planning
alone (i.e. just the global planner)? Does that work with just a static
map on a node level at all, or should I write my own using the APIs of
navfn and costmap_2d?

Thanks & best regards,

Armin Hornung                              Albert-Ludwigs-Universität   Dept. of Computer Science        Humanoid Robots Lab
Tel.: +49 (0)761-203-8010                  Georges-Köhler-Allee 79
Fax : +49 (0)761-203-8007                  D-79110 Freiburg, Germany

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