Hi all,
I've been trying to run the navigation stack. However, upon running move_base.launch, i get the following message:

[ WARN] 1271162502.543875000: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1271162502.5438, global_pose stamp: 1271162501.8677, tolerance: 0.3000

I tried changing the tolerance value to 1. move_base.launch starts with the following:
[ INFO] 1271162733.968657000: Subscribed to Topics: laser_scan_sensor
[ INFO] 1271162734.066727000: MAP SIZE: 199, 199

A second later, i start getting these messages:

[ WARN] 1271162749.245438000: MessageNotifier [topic=scan, target=/odom /base_laser ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.costmap_2d.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.

rxconsole gives the following:
Request for map failed, trying again...  Warn /amcl
This could be because i'm not using any static map. Even so, move_base is not publishing any messages out.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm not able to figure out where the problem is.

Hitesh Dhiman
Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore