 I tried to write a small package to subscribe to stereo images of bumblebee2 and publish them with my own name.
   The source code of my source file,  (which uses stereo_image_proc)  is attached.
I ran this package like this from the prompt:

shell$ roslaunch bumblebee2 Bumblebee2.launch

shell$ ROS_NAMESPACE=bumblebee2 rosrun stereo_image_proc stereo_image_proc

shell$ rosrun trial1 trial1

(from 'rostopic list -v' i can see the topic "/Yucong/left/image_rect" is published).

However, after using ' rosrun image_view image_view image:=/Yucong/left/image_rect '

I see only a window without an image in it.

How can I see the image? Any help would be appreciated, especially since I am pretty new to the ROS environment.


Yucong Lin
Graduate student
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
PSH 470

Yucong Lin
Graduate student
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
PSH 470