Hi Everyone, 

We have released several new packages for both Hydro and Groovy. This was a quicker cycle than usual but we wanted to take advantage of the clean state of the builds and get the release out anyway. Details are below. 

You ROS Release Team

Updates to hydro

Added Packages [0]:

Updated Packages [88]:
- ros-hydro-rosbag-storage: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rosconsole: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-roswtf: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rosparam: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-msg: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-pose-view: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-bag: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-crsm-slam: 1.0.1-0 -> 1.0.1-1
- ros-hydro-image-transport: 1.11.0-0 -> 1.11.1-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-robot-dashboard: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-ecto-opencv: 0.4.25-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-hydro-sound-play: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.5-0
- ros-hydro-audio-play: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.5-0
- ros-hydro-roscpp: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-action: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-industrial-trajectory-filters: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-bag-plugins: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-console: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-image-common: 1.11.0-0 -> 1.11.1-0
- ros-hydro-message-filters: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-service-caller: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rospy: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-stage: 4.1.1-4 -> 4.1.1-5
- ros-hydro-rqt-top: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-interactive-markers: 1.9.8-0 -> 1.10.1-0
- ros-hydro-catkin: 0.5.79-0 -> 0.5.80-0
- ros-hydro-rosout: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rosmaster: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rviz: 1.10.10-0 -> 1.10.11-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-robot-steering: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-plot: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-tf-tree: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-industrial-msgs: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-arbotix-sensors: 0.9.0-0 -> 0.9.1-0
- ros-hydro-camera-calibration-parsers: 1.11.0-0 -> 1.11.1-0
- ros-hydro-ecto: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.0-0
- ros-hydro-cmake-modules: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.2.1-1
- ros-hydro-audio-common-msgs: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.5-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-shell: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-publisher: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-arbotix: 0.9.0-0 -> 0.9.1-0
- ros-hydro-polled-camera: 1.11.0-0 -> 1.11.1-0
- ros-hydro-arbotix-python: 0.9.0-0 -> 0.9.1-0
- ros-hydro-industrial-robot-client: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-srv: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-robot-plugins: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-xmlrpcpp: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-runtime-monitor: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-camera-info-manager: 1.11.0-0 -> 1.11.1-0
- ros-hydro-rosmsg: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-libuvc: 0.0.2-1 -> 0.0.3-0
- ros-hydro-rosnode: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-audio-capture: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.5-0
- ros-hydro-audio-common: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.5-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-py-common: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-launch: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-logger-level: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-image-view: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-reconfigure: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-arbotix-msgs: 0.9.0-0 -> 0.9.1-0
- ros-hydro-std-srvs: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-graph: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-arbotix-firmware: 0.9.0-0 -> 0.9.1-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-py-console: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rosservice: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-industrial-deprecated: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rosgraph: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-web: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rostest: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-industrial-robot-simulator: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-gencpp: 0.4.15-0 -> 0.4.16-0
- ros-hydro-rostopic: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rosgraph-msgs: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-ros-comm: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-robot-monitor: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-roslaunch: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-arbotix-controllers: 0.9.0-0 -> 0.9.1-0
- ros-hydro-industrial-core: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-dep: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-rviz: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-common-plugins: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rosbag: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0
- ros-hydro-simple-message: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-industrial-utils: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-moveit: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-nav-view: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
- ros-hydro-rqt-topic: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
- ros-hydro-topic-tools: 1.9.53-0 -> 1.9.54-0

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
 - Aaron Blasdel
 - Austin Hendrix
 - Dan Lazewatsky
 - David Gossow
 - Dirk Thomas
 - Dorian Scholz
 - Isaac Isao Saito
 - Isaac Saito
 - Jack O'Quin
 - Ken Tossell
 - Manos Tsardoulias
 - Michael Ferguson
 - Mirza A. Shah
 - Shaun Edwards
 - Vincent Rabaud
 - William Woodall
 - Ze'ev Klapow

Updates to groovy

Added Packages [2]:
- ros-groovy-cob-navigation: 0.4.3
- ros-groovy-cob-manipulation: 0.1.1

Updated Packages [37]:
- ros-groovy-ecto-opencv: 0.4.25-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-groovy-hrpsys: 315.1.2-0 -> 315.1.5-0
- ros-groovy-ndt-fuser: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-humanoid-msgs: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-groovy-hironx-ros-bridge: 1.0.6-0 -> 1.0.10-0
- ros-groovy-pointcloud-vrml: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-object-recognition-ros: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
- ros-groovy-rtmros-nextage: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-groovy-octomap: 1.5.6-0 -> 1.5.7-0
- ros-groovy-nextage-moveit-config: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-groovy-ecto: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.0-0
- ros-groovy-cmake-modules: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.2.1-0
- ros-groovy-camera-calibration-parsers: 1.10.4-0 -> 1.10.5-0
- ros-groovy-slam-gmapping: 1.2.7 -> 1.2.8
- ros-groovy-ndt-visualisation: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-polled-camera: 1.10.4-0 -> 1.10.5-0
- ros-groovy-image-transport: 1.10.4-0 -> 1.10.5-0
- ros-groovy-rviz: 1.9.32-0 -> 1.9.34-0
- ros-groovy-ndt-mcl: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-ndt-registration: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-humanoid-nav-msgs: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-groovy-octovis: 1.5.6-0 -> 1.5.7-0
- ros-groovy-nextage-description: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-groovy-interactive-markers: 1.9.8-0 -> 1.9.9-0
- ros-groovy-nextage-ros-bridge: 0.2.4-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-groovy-sdf-tracker: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-laser-geometry: 1.5.14-0 -> 1.5.15-0
- ros-groovy-ndt-map: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-perception-oru: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-rtmros-hironx: 1.0.6-0 -> 1.0.10-0
- ros-groovy-hironx-moveit-config: 1.0.6-0 -> 1.0.10-0
- ros-groovy-ndt-map-builder: 1.0.11-0 -> 1.0.13-0
- ros-groovy-object-recognition-core: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.6.0-0
- ros-groovy-object-recognition-tabletop: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
- ros-groovy-image-common: 1.10.4-0 -> 1.10.5-0
- ros-groovy-urdf-tutorial: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
- ros-groovy-camera-info-manager: 1.10.4-0 -> 1.10.5-0

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
 - Armin Hornung
 - Brian Gerkey
 - Daniel Canelhas
 - Dave Hershberger
 - David Gossow
 - Ioan Sucan
 - Isao Isaac Saito
 - Jack O'Quin
 - Jari Saarinen
 - Kei Okada
 - Mathias Luedtke and Felix Messmer
 - Matthias Gruhler
 - Todor Stoyanov
 - Vincent Rabaud
 - William Woodall