Hi ROS Users, 

We’re pleased to announce that we will be hosting ROS Kong 2014, an international ROS users group meeting, in Hong Kong on June 7th, immediately following ICRA. This one-day event will complement ROSCon 2014, which will happen later in the year (see below). 

ROS Kong 2014 will feature invited speakers, lightning talks, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. There will be plenty of time to meet other ROS users both from Asia and around the world. 

If you are interested in attending, please save the date: June 7th, 2014.  We will be setting up registration and distributing more information in the coming month. We have a large auditorium but registration will be limited. 

If you have any questions or are interested in sponsoring the event please contact us at roskong-2014-oc@osrfoundation.org.

In related news, we are tentatively planning to hold ROSCon 2014 in Chicago in September, in conjunction with IROS.  Stay tuned for more on that event.