Just spread the link which you already mentioned in your email.

Since all pages are generated separately adding a common navigation would require some coupling which we currently avoid in order to keep things simple.

- Dirk

On March 6, 2014 10:10:49 PM PST, Isaac Isao Saito <iisaito@opensource-robotics.tokyo.jp> wrote:

I've been longing for awhile for a tool like this. Thanks a lot!!
Those macros are so nice too to pick up mis-settings.

I have one trivial request; can these html pages under
www.ros.org/debbuild linked from each other? That would make it even
easier for me to explain to less-intense maintainers around me (then I
would be able to just give a single link).

# where's issue tracker for these?


On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Jonathan Bohren
<jonathan.bohren@gmail.com> wrote:
Cool stuff! Thanks, Dirk!


On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Dirk Thomas <dthomas@osrfoundation.org>

For maintainers a common set of questions regarding multiple ROS
distributions are:

* after releasing patch releases into Hydro, did I already released the
same version into Groovy?
* which versions of a repo are released in the current ROS distros?

To answer those faster then looking up the relevant information manually I
generated some additional "compare version" pages.
They can be found in the same location as the Debian package status pages:

Currently the following variants exist:

* Groovy vs. Hydro: http://www.ros.org/debbuild/compare_groovy_hydro.html
* Hydro vs. Indigo: http://www.ros.org/debbuild/compare_hydro_indigo.html
* all current distros (G, H and I):

Some predefined filters exist which allow to narrow down the list of repos
based on the following criteria:

* different patch version:
The packages from a repo in two ROS distros have the same major and
minor version but a different patch version.
Usually that implies that you should update the distro which lacks a bit
Temporary that might be the case when you first release a new version
into one distro and after some soak time release it into the other distros.

* downgrade:
The packages from a repo in a newer ROS distro have a lower major or
minor version number.
The maintainer should reconsider the versioning of the repo and
rerelease the packages from the repo with proper version numbers.

* same version from different branches:
The packages from a repo have the same major and minor version
(potentially a different patch version) but are released from different
That usually indicates a problem since it is likely that there could be
or will be two packages with the same version but different code (since both
branches might need to perform patch releases over time).
Commonly the maintainer would increase the minor version when branching
for the next ROS distro to avoid this kind of situation.

I hope you will find these pages useful when maintaining ROS packages.

- Dirk

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Jonathan Bohren
Laboratory for Computational Se nsing and Robotics

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