On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Jochen Sprickerhof <ros-users@jochen.sprickerhof.de> wrote:
* Michael Fritscher <michael.fritscher@telematik-zentrum.de> [2014-03-27 17:37]:
> in my experience, you can use the binary builds from ros for Ubuntu precise
> also in trusty - yust to be sure that you have repos from Ubuntu precise in
> your sources.list for the right boost version etc. It can be that you have a
> little fun with apt, but in general it should work. I had even upgraded
> precise on which hydro is installed, to trusty with this trick without
> removing ros.

That's not a good idea, because different Ubuntu versions usually
provide different software versions, for example boost ;).

Agreed. You can play those games with your personal systems, if you like. Presumably you know how to fix it if necessary or at worst re-install a clean OS.

But, we should never recommend that sort of fiddling to the general ROS community.