I agree that we are diverging from turtle names, however like for I, there are only a few turtle's which have J names, and we need to consider the code names. For example, I don't really care for these as code names:

ROS Jamaican
ROS Japanese

And ROS Jalisco does not start with a J phonetically, so basically the only actual J turtle name is the latin japonica. So, I can understand the drift...

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Bill Morris <bill@neautomation.com> wrote:
-1 for anything with Jedi in it
-2 for anything that's not actually a turtle
I have almost typed igloo-devel instead of indigo-devel several times now.
+1 Jalisco Mud Turtle
+1 Jagged-Shell Turtle

+0 for ROS Jagged
-1 for ROS Jagged-Shell


On 04/11/2014 03:02 PM, Bill Smart wrote:
> I think we're suffering from naming policy drift. Turtles, people,
> turtles.
> +0 for Jurassic
> +1 for Jamaican Slider (which I'm surprised no-one else has voted for)
> -1 for anything with Jedi in it
> -1 for anything that's not actually a turtle
> +1 for a single name, as opposed to a Ubuntu-like verby noun name.
> -- Bill, geezer
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Arkapravo Bhaumik
> <arkapravobhaumik@gmail.com <mailto:arkapravobhaumik@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     ᐧ
>     I sketched this today. Pretty amateurish, but I guess does reflect
>     the 2 ideas (Jurassic + Jedi).
>     https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bza6nf9hfd4uyt/IMG.jpg
>     --
>     _Arkapravo Bhaumik_
>     _
>     _
>     http://mobotica.blogspot.in/p/head.html
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