+1 Jurassic

+1 Jamaican - I don't see the problem about demonyms or countries

+0 Jagged - Glamour = 0 and probably boring merch

-2 Janus - It's a human name put on a turtle



A 11-04-2014 22:50, Aaron Blasdel escrigué:

+1 Janus Turtle

+1 Jagged Turtle

On Friday, April 11, 2014, Jonathan Bohren <jonathan.bohren@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Kelsey Hawkins <kphawkins@gmail.com> wrote:
Ah, there's apparently a two-headed turtle named Janus
who is the mascot of the Genevea Natural History Museum:

I think this happens a lot, actually: 
+1 to Janus Turtle!

Jonathan Bohren
Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics