It was a package that was in our repo, but was merged into gazebo_plugins, and removed from the repo. I am pretty sure it stopped showing up on the debbuild page in the past, so I don't know why it has reappeared. 


On Apr 16, 2014 9:48 AM, "Jack O'Quin" <> wrote:
The ROS Hydro debbuild report shows a cryptic package named "segbot-gazebo-plugins" (with dashes, not underscores).

Nothing much is recorded about it, but there is a ros-hydro-segbot-gazebo-plugins in the package repository. There is no entry in the rosdistro/hydro/distribution.yaml.

It presumably relates somehow to the segbot packages Piyush and I maintain, but I can't figure out where it came from or how to delete it.

Any ideas?