For 3rdparty package maintainers looking to port a patched package forward to a new rosdistro here's what William did to port BFL forward into indigo from hydro. 


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:04 AM, Michael Ferguson <> wrote:
Wow! Easy indeed!

Thanks for going ahead and cranking that out -- I would have never figured that out. I agree, copying that to the mailing list would probably be helpful to anyone who ends up maintaining one of these kind of packages down the road.


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:01 AM, William Woodall <> wrote:
I went ahead and did it, this is what I did:

$ cd bfl-release
$ git checkout master
$ cp -r hydro indigo
$ git add indigo
$ git commit -m "create indigo patch folder with indigo package.xml template"
$ git-bloom-config copy hydro indigo
$ git-bloom-config edit indigo
... change settings for indigo
... change rosdistro to indigo
... change patches directory to indigo
$ bloom-release -r indigo -t indigo bfl
... give it the release repo:
... push with force if needed for tags
... push changes but don't open pull request
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf bfl-release
$ cd bfl-release
$ python -c "from bloom.git import track_branches; track_branches()"
... This tracks all remote branches locally
$ git branch
... go to each indigo patch branch and copy over any patches from the hydro equivalents
... probably just need patches/release/.../bfl and patches/debian/.../bfl
... for instance:
$ git ls-tree --name-only -r patches/release/hydro/bfl | grep '\.patch' | xargs -I {} sh -c 'git show patches/release/hydro/bfl:"$1" > "$1"' -- {}
$ git add ./*.patch
$ git commit -m "migrating patches from hydro"
$ git push origin patches/release/indigo/bfl
... Once you have migrated any patches you need, bloom-release and pull request
$ bloom-release -r indigo -t indigo bfl
... give it the release repo:

And "it's that easy"! :)

Unfortunately this is pretty tedious and error prone and not well documented, but it should only affect a handful of cases and I've often considered a tool to help with this, but always shied away from it because I think the cost out weighs the benefit.

We can copy this to ros-release as well.

William Woodall

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:23 AM, Michael Ferguson <> wrote:
Also, I should note: I was able to check out the debian/hydro branch and build a deb using dpkg, so I think if we can just retool the files right for indigo + bloom + build farm, we'll be good to go.

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:16 AM, Michael Ferguson <> wrote:
Oh, and I should have included, this is where bfl resides:

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:15 AM, Michael Ferguson <> wrote:
Hey guys,

First off, if there is a proper mailing list I should be sending this to, let me know, and I'll post it there so that people can eventually find any answers provided.

So I tried to take a look at releasing BFL (which is a third-party library) -- but I'm having hard time figuring out what to do. If I try to run bloom-release -- I get an error about patches branch not existing. When I looked at the 3rd party tutorial, it says to create a release before doing patches......

Error: ""Given patches path 'indigo' does not exist in bloom branch.""

Given that the tutorial seems to refer entirely to git-bloom-release, I'm guessing it's not up to date.
