On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 3:51 AM, Tully Foote <tfoote@osrfoundation.org> wrote:
As I mentioned in the other thread. We don't have the ability to blacklist specific packages on specific platforms.

Understood. Is there a way to remove the maintainer's email? Otherwise I'll start filtering out those emails.
Looking for alternatives is a good idea. 

Any suggestions are welcome! Maybe worth asking around on ros-users.

:-) Marcus


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Marcus Liebhardt <marcus.liebhardt@yujinrobot.com> wrote:
Hello everyone!
The openni_tracker is still failing on raring (and only raring) and the cause is still the missing `libopenni-nite-dev` debian package: http://jenkins.ros.org/job/ros-hydro-openni-tracker_binarydeb_raring_i386/397/console

If no one has an idea about how to fix this, I'd like to request the removal of the openni_tracker package from Hydro on Raring. I have been deleting those Jenkins notifications for half a year now. :-)

Btw, I believe the Nite debian package isn't available for Trusty either. If this is and will be the case, then we should start looking for an alternative for the popular openni tracker, maybe Skeltrack: https://github.com/joaquimrocha/Skeltrack?


On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Marcus Liebhardt <marcus.liebhardt@yujinrobot.com> wrote:

The openni_tracker keeps failing for Raring due to an unavailable Nite debian dependency.
"package ros-hydro-openni-tracker does not have dependency [libopenni-nite-dev]"

I guess this is because no one has released "our" openni-nite debian for Raring yet. Anyone knows who is maintaining/has access to it?


Innovation Team Leader
Yujin Robot
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Twitter: @yujinrobotinno
Website: http://inno.yujinrobot.com
Email: marcus.liebhardt@yujinrobot.com
Phone: +82-70-46577073

ros-release mailing list

Innovation Team Leader
Yujin Robot
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Twitter: @yujinrobotinno
Website: http://inno.yujinrobot.com
Email: marcus.liebhardt@yujinrobot.com
Phone: +82-70-46577073