On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 8:22 PM, Francis Belliveau <f.belliveau@comcast.net> wrote:

I am responding to you outside review channels because I am way too new to ROS to be comfortable participating in public discussions.

Perhaps you intended to e-mail me privately. Please note that responding on ros-users is *far* more public than using the suggested doc review link:

I read the overview level documentation and it made sense are far as it went.

What I find missing is a reference to the schema for a package XML document.  I am actually surprised that the documentation does not mention any of the normal XML meta data that one normally places before the main document element identifying the schema, namespaces and/or XSLT references.

One of the reasons that I am having trouble understanding how to get started with ROS is because the beginner tutorials do not include links to “all the gory details and possibilities”.  The documentation can solve all that by just providing a reference to the schema file and it would be the readers problem to figure out how to expand upon the simple examples provided.

The first thing that cam to mind reading the overview was when I got to the second code segment listing “authors”.  That was followed by the “URLs”.  There was nothing to tell me where these should be placed within package.xml.  I am sure that I could dig into the tutorials and find the information, but, understanding XML the way I do, I would prefer to figure it out myself from the schema definition.

An XML schema definition would be great. If I were competent to create one, I would do that immediately.
Just my opinion.
You people are doing great things.  I very much like ROS at the conceptual level but cannot seem to figure out where to start.

I welcome your useful and constructive criticism.