So. are you still planning to do this? It seems that new releases have not been released to Hydro debs for a while, which is causing some confusion (for instance,


On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Patrick Goebel <> wrote:
+1 here too.  IMHO, this approach has awesomeness written all over it.


On 2/27/2014 3:33 PM, Sachin Chitta wrote:
Dear MoveIt! and ROS users,

I wanted to give you information about how MoveIt! will be dealing with the new ROS distro Indigo.

Based on feedback from the MoveIt! survey conducted last year and prior experience from the PR2, we know that most robots seem to lag the most recent ROS release by a significant time period (a year or more sometimes). We would like to encourage MoveIt! adoption on more and more robots and also give people time to catch up but still be able to use the newest features in MoveIt! with their robot. We have used this information to formulate our strategy around ROS Indigo (at least in the near-term).

We will not branch and develop separately for Indigo. The version of MoveIt! in Indigo will be a near copy of that in Hydro. New features, bug-fixes, etc. will continue to go into Hydro - there are almost always ways to do this without having to break API and we will try to maintain API stability. Everything new that is being released into Hydro will also be ported into Indigo releases. This will allow both users working with the latest distributions and users working with older distributions to keep using MoveIt!.

Let me know if there are any questions/comments about this.

Best Regards,

Sachin Chitta
Associate Director
Robotics Systems and Software
SRI International

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