Hi Everyone, 

For those of you attending ROS Kong 2014.  We're looking forward to seeing you shortly. (If you haven't there's still time to register, or you can register on-site. )

I would like to point out is that there are two components of our program that you can get a lot more out of if you come prepared. 

The first is we have set aside time for Birds-Of-a-Feather(BOF) sessions. These are casual gatherings of groups of people who have similar interests. They're proposed on site and people +1 different topics and the most +1s are the ones that happen. So when you come to the event consider having some topics to propose. 

In addition to the BOF time we also have Lightning talks. In these talks you have 3 minutes to present your topic, and you can bring a few pdf slides as supporting material.  We will gather slides and stitch together the presentations and have someone timing you to keep you to your 3 minute slot. This is a great opportunity to quickly pitch your current project or a project on which you'd like collaborators. Also it's a good time to pitch a BOF topic to try to recruit more interest. The availability of lightning talk slots is on a first come first served basis at the event. 

See you soon, 

Your ROS Kong 2014 Team