HI Everyone, 

We have another update for ROS Hydro. 247 packages have been updated and there are 20 new packages as well. Thanks to the many maintainers who have made this software available to the community. The lists of releases and maintainers are below. 

Your ROS Release Team

Updates to hydro

Added Packages [20]:
 * ros-hydro-abb: 1.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-abb-moveit-plugins: 1.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ardrone-autonomy: 1.3.4-0
 * ros-hydro-epos-driver: 0.0.6-0
 * ros-hydro-graft: 0.2.0-0
 * ros-hydro-grasping-msgs: 0.3.0-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-imu-tools: 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-interactive-marker-proxy: 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-keyboard: 0.1.1-0
 * ros-hydro-libnabo: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-mavlink: 1.0.9-4
 * ros-hydro-mavros: 0.5.0-0
 * ros-hydro-nao-dashboard: 0.1.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial-windows: 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rplidar-ros: 1.0.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rtt-dynamic-reconfigure: 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-ros-msgs: 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosdeployment: 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-slam-karto: 0.7.1-0
 * ros-hydro-sparse-bundle-adjustment: 0.3.2-0

Updated Packages [247]:
 * ros-hydro-abb-common: 1.1.1-0 -> 1.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-alexandria: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-amcl: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-assimp-devel: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-babel: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-base-local-planner: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-bayesian-belief-networks: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-bride: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-bride-compilers: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-bride-plugin-source: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-bride-templates: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-bride-tutorials: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-carrot-planner: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-catkin: 0.5.86-0 -> 0.5.88-0
 * ros-hydro-cffi: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-cl-store: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-cl-utilities: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-clear-costmap-recovery: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-collada-urdf-jsk-patch: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-costmap-2d: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-cram-3rdparty: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-crsm-slam: 1.0.3-0 -> 1.0.3-1
 * ros-hydro-cv-bridge: 1.10.17-1 -> 1.10.18-0
 * ros-hydro-default-cfg-fkie: 0.3.10-0 -> 0.3.11-0
 * ros-hydro-depth-image-proc-jsk-patch: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-depthimage-to-laserscan: 1.0.6-0 -> 1.0.7-0
 * ros-hydro-downward: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-driver-base: 1.6.7-0 -> 1.6.8-0
 * ros-hydro-driver-common: 1.6.7-0 -> 1.6.8-0
 * ros-hydro-dwa-local-planner: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-dynamic-reconfigure: 1.5.36-0 -> 1.5.37-0
 * ros-hydro-dynamic-tf-publisher: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-eigen-conversions: 1.10.8-0 -> 1.10.8-1
 * ros-hydro-eigen-typekit: 2.7.0-1 -> 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-eus-assimp: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.4-0
 * ros-hydro-euscollada: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.4-0
 * ros-hydro-euslisp: 1.1.18-0 -> 1.1.19-0
 * ros-hydro-fake-localization: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-ff: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-ffha: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-filters: 1.7.4-0 -> 1.7.4-2
 * ros-hydro-fiveam: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-geneus: 1.1.18-0 -> 1.1.19-0
 * ros-hydro-genlisp: 0.4.12-0 -> 0.4.14-0
 * ros-hydro-genpy: 0.4.16-0 -> 0.4.17-0
 * ros-hydro-geometry: 1.10.8-0 -> 1.10.8-1
 * ros-hydro-geometry-experimental: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-global-planner: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-gmapping: 1.3.2-0 -> 1.3.2-1
 * ros-hydro-gsd: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-gsll: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-compressed-map-transport: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-geotiff: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-geotiff-plugins: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-imu-attitude-to-tf: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-map-server: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-map-tools: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-mapping: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-marker-drawing: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-nav-msgs: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-slam: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-slam-launch: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-trajectory-server: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-hokuyo-node: 1.7.8-0 -> 1.7.8-1
 * ros-hydro-hrpsys: 315.2.1-2 -> 315.2.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hrpsys-ros-bridge: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hrpsys-tools: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
 * ros-hydro-image-geometry: 1.10.17-1 -> 1.10.18-0
 * ros-hydro-image-view-jsk-patch: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-image-view2: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-imu-pipeline: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.2-1
 * ros-hydro-industrial-desktop: 0.0.1-1 -> 0.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-irb-2400-moveit-config: 1.1.1-0 -> 1.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-irb-6640-moveit-config: 1.1.1-0 -> 1.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-common: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-footstep-msgs: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-gui-msgs: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-hark-msgs: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-model-tools: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.4-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-roseus: 1.1.18-0 -> 1.1.19-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-tools: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-topic-tools: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-kdl-conversions: 1.10.8-0 -> 1.10.8-1
 * ros-hydro-kdl-typekit: 2.7.0-1 -> 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-laser-filters-jsk-patch: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-laser-geometry: 1.5.15-0 -> 1.5.16-0
 * ros-hydro-laser-proc: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.3-1
 * ros-hydro-libsiftfast: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-lisp-unit: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-log4cpp: 2.7.0-0 -> 2.7.0-1
 * ros-hydro-map-server: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-master-discovery-fkie: 0.3.10-0 -> 0.3.11-0
 * ros-hydro-master-sync-fkie: 0.3.10-0 -> 0.3.11-0
 * ros-hydro-message-filters: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-microstrain-3dmgx2-imu: 1.5.12-0 -> 1.5.12-1
 * ros-hydro-mk: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-move-base: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-move-base-msgs: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-move-slow-and-clear: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-moveit-python: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.2.4-0
 * ros-hydro-multi-map-server: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-multimaster-fkie: 0.3.10-0 -> 0.3.11-0
 * ros-hydro-multimaster-msgs-fkie: 0.3.10-0 -> 0.3.11-0
 * ros-hydro-nav-core: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-navfn: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-navigation: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-nextage-description: 0.2.13-0 -> 0.2.14-0
 * ros-hydro-nextage-moveit-config: 0.2.13-0 -> 0.2.14-0
 * ros-hydro-nextage-ros-bridge: 0.2.13-0 -> 0.2.14-0
 * ros-hydro-node-manager-fkie: 0.3.10-0 -> 0.3.11-0
 * ros-hydro-nodelet: 1.8.2-0 -> 1.8.4-0
 * ros-hydro-nodelet-core: 1.8.2-0 -> 1.8.4-0
 * ros-hydro-nodelet-topic-tools: 1.8.2-0 -> 1.8.4-0
 * ros-hydro-ocl: 2.7.0-4 -> 2.7.0-5
 * ros-hydro-open-karto: 1.0.1-0 -> 1.1.0-0
 * ros-hydro-opencv2: 2.4.6-3 -> 2.4.9-2
 * ros-hydro-openni-tracker-jsk-patch: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-openrtm-ros-bridge: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
 * ros-hydro-openrtm-tools: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
 * ros-hydro-openslam-gmapping: 0.1.0-1 -> 0.1.0-2
 * ros-hydro-opt-camera: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-orocos-toolchain: 2.7.0-0 -> 2.7.0-1
 * ros-hydro-orogen: 2.7.0-3 -> 2.7.0-4
 * ros-hydro-pocketsphinx: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-posedetection-msgs: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-pr2-groovy-patches: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-robot-localization: 1.1.2-1 -> 1.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-robot-pose-ekf: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-ros: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-ros-comm: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosbag: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosbag-storage: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosbash: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosboost-cfg: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosbuild: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosclean: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosconsole: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-roscpp: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-roscreate: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-roseus: 1.1.18-0 -> 1.1.19-0
 * ros-hydro-roseus-msgs: 1.1.18-0 -> 1.1.19-0
 * ros-hydro-roseus-smach: 1.1.18-0 -> 1.1.19-0
 * ros-hydro-rosgraph: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosgraph-msgs: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosjava-bootstrap: 0.1.20-1 -> 0.1.21-0
 * ros-hydro-rosjava-build-tools: 0.1.33-0 -> 0.1.34-0
 * ros-hydro-roslang: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-roslaunch: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-roslib: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosmake: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosmaster: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosmsg: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosnode: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosnode-rtc: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rosout: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosparam: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rospatlite: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-rosping: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-rospy: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial-arduino: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial-client: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial-embeddedlinux: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial-msgs: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial-python: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial-server: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rosserial-xbee: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
 * ros-hydro-rosservice: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rostest: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rostopic: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rostwitter: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-rosunit: 1.10.9-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-roswtf: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-rotate-recovery: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-rtmbuild: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rtmros-common: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rtmros-nextage: 0.2.13-0 -> 0.2.14-0
 * ros-hydro-rtt: 2.7.0-8 -> 2.7.0-9
 * ros-hydro-rtt-actionlib: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-actionlib-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-common-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-diagnostic-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-geometry: 2.7.0-1 -> 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-geometry-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-kdl-conversions: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-nav-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-ros: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-ros-comm: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-ros-integration: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosclock: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-roscomm: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosgraph-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosnode: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rospack: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosparam: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-sensor-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-shape-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-std-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-std-srvs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-stereo-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-tf: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-trajectory-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt-typelib: 2.7.0-1 -> 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-visualization-msgs: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-sicktoolbox: 1.0.103-0 -> 1.0.103-2
 * ros-hydro-sicktoolbox-wrapper: 2.5.3-0 -> 2.5.3-1
 * ros-hydro-sklearn: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-slam-gmapping: 1.3.2-0 -> 1.3.2-1
 * ros-hydro-split-sequence: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-controllers: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-drivers: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-examples: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-external-protocol: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-hardware-interface: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-launch: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-msgs: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-test: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-transmissions: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-utilities: 0.9.12-0 -> 0.9.14-0
 * ros-hydro-std-srvs: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-stereo-synchronizer: 1.0.26-0 -> 1.0.27-0
 * ros-hydro-synchronization-tools: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-tf: 1.10.8-0 -> 1.10.8-1
 * ros-hydro-tf-conversions: 1.10.8-0 -> 1.10.8-1
 * ros-hydro-tf2: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-tf2-bullet: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-tf2-geometry-msgs: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-tf2-kdl: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-tf2-msgs: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-tf2-py: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-tf2-ros: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-tf2-tools: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0
 * ros-hydro-timestamp-tools: 1.6.7-0 -> 1.6.8-0
 * ros-hydro-topic-tools: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-trivial-features: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-trivial-garbage: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-trivial-gray-streams: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
 * ros-hydro-typelib: 2.7.0-4 -> 2.7.0-5
 * ros-hydro-urg-node: 0.1.7-0 -> 0.1.7-1
 * ros-hydro-utilmm: 2.7.0-0 -> 2.7.0-1
 * ros-hydro-utilrb: 2.7.0-2 -> 2.7.0-3
 * ros-hydro-vision-opencv: 1.10.17-1 -> 1.10.18-0
 * ros-hydro-voxel-grid: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0
 * ros-hydro-xacro: 1.8.5-0 -> 1.8.6-0
 * ros-hydro-xmlrpcpp: 1.10.2-0 -> 1.10.10-0
 * ros-hydro-yason: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
 * Alexander Bubeck
 * Alexander Tiderko
 * Chad Rockey
 * Daniel Stonier
 * Dave Hershberger
 * David Lu!!
 * David V. Lu!!
 * Dirk Thomas
 * Esteve Fernandez
 * Georg Bartels
 * Hiroyuki Mikita
 * Isaac Isao Saito
 * Jan Winkler
 * Jeremy Zoss
 * Johannes Meyer
 * Kareem Shehata
 * KazutoMurase
 * Kei Okada
 * Ling
 * Lorenz Moesenlechner
 * Mani Monajjemi
 * Manos Nikolaidis
 * Manos Tsardoulias
 * Michael Ferguson
 * Mike Purvis
 * Mirza A. Shah
 * MoveIt Setup Assistant
 * OCL Development Team
 * Orocos Developers
 * Orocos Developers Team
 * Orocos Development Team
 * Paul Bouchier
 * RTT Developers
 * Ruben Smits
 * Russell Toris
 * Ryohei Ueda
 * Shadow Robot's software team
 * Shaun Edwards
 * Shohei Fujii
 * Stéphane Magnenat
 * Takuya Nakaoka
 * Tom Moore
 * Tomasz Kucner
 * Tully Foote
 * Vincent Rabaud
 * Vladimir Ermakov
 * William Woodall
 * Yohei Kakiuchi
 * k-okada
 * ruben smits
 * v01d