If it was working before it should be possible to get it working again.

It looks like that the location where the plain CMake packages get installed changed between build #13 and #15 (http://jenkins.ros.org/job/devel-hydro-octomap/13/ARCH_PARAM=amd64,UBUNTU_PARAM=precise,label=devel/console http://jenkins.ros.org/job/devel-hydro-octomap/15/ARCH_PARAM=amd64,UBUNTU_PARAM=precise,label=devel/console).

In the former case it was installed under "/tmp" where the setup file is also being invoked.
In the latter case it gets installed somewhere in the workspace - that is why the setup file is then not found.

I have no idea why this changed - I couldn't find anything in the commit log of the buildfarm related repos.
I will continue to look into it and post any result.

- Dirk

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 5:00 AM, Armin Hornung <HornungA@cs.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
On 2014-07-15 11:24, Ruben Smits wrote:

I'm trying to do a prerelease of orocos_kinematics_dynamics but the test failed because it tries to source an unexisting setup.bash file, I guess it's a buildfarm issue? http://jenkins.ros.org/view/Prerelease/job/prerelease-hydro-orocos_kinematics_dynamics/1/ARCH_PARAM=amd64,UBUNTU_PARAM=precise,label=prerelease/console

The same happened recently to the devel job of the octomap repo:

There's an explanation on ROS answers:

Although I'm still not sure if that's all working as intended, as the consequence would be to remove all cmake devel and prerelease jobs from the build farm (and it was working before).

 - Armin

Dr. Armin Hornung
Humanoid Robots Lab, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
Contact: http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~hornunga

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