Hi Everyone, 

We're happy to announce the program for ROSCon 2014 has been posted and that registration is now open.

The early registration deadline is August 15, 2014.

The program fills two days with talks on applications of ROS from outer space to inside mines as well as overviews of useful tools for both research and product development. There will also be presentations on upcoming development and ongoing efforts to make ROS available on more platforms. 

In addition to the talks ROSCon will feature two lightning talk sessions and two birds of a feather sessions, all organized on-site. The lightning talks are an opportunity for you to have 3 minutes to present a topic of your choice: introduce a new project, recruit collaborators or users to an existing project, announce a product, whatever you like.

Immediately follow the lightning talks are birds of a feather sessions, which are an opportunity to propose and find people to talk about topics of interest to subgroups at the conference. This will be a mostly unstructured time with topics proposed on site and groups forming organically. 

Before you come to ROSCon, think ahead about any topic you'd like to propose for the BoF sessions and have some slides ready to present a lightning talk (3 slides or fewer).

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago in September!

Click here to register

Your ROSCon Organizing Committee