Dave: The metapackage issue is unrelated (and fixed). I actually see two problems here. Oddly, the scraper seems to be missing moveit_ros, even though it should be included. Also, I'm not seeing an entry for moveit_ros_planning in rosdistro, so that's probably also an issue. Is that an error? I can't fix the second problem if there's no data for the package available.

Dereck: Sorry, touch/mobile support is practically nonexistent. It hasn't been a priority since I didn't think many users would need it.

Anyone: Feel free to give me a shout if you would benefit from mobile support and I can bump it up the queue (still not before ROSCon though).

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 7:16 PM, Dereck Wonnacott <dereck@gmail.com> wrote:

Doesn't seem to work well on android chrome, I can't seem to pan around the graph. :(

On Aug 25, 2014 3:59 PM, "Ben Arvey" <404bennotfound@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, my name is Ben Arvey and I've been developing a set of analysis tools for ROS under the direction of Dr. Bill Smart. Our lab is giving a talk at ROSCon concerning our research, of which this is one aspect.

I'm looking for some preliminary feedback from developers. Any information about what you need in an analysis tool would be very helpful!

Here's the web app (Chrome works best):

Here's a page with some basic documentation info and suggestions for feedback:

Many thanks,

Ben Arvey
Computer Science
Oregon State University

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