On 18 September 2014 01:42, Jose Luis Rivero <jrivero@osrfoundation.org> wrote:
On 15/09/14 16:19, Michael Ferguson wrote:
> After my presentation this past weekend at ROSCON, there has been a lot
> of interest in BuildBot-ROS. I'd like to announce a new mailing list for
> discussions about the software, located at:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/buildbot-ros-sig

As I'm one of these minions who manages a CI installation with ROS,
Gazebo and some other friends, sounds really good to me that people
showed interest on this topic.

Michael, what do you think about making the scope of the SIG broader to
include CI related topics like Jenkins, isolating testing containers, etc?

Jose Luis Rivero <jrivero@osrfoundation.org>
ros-users mailing list

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