Hello ROS Users!

One of the questions we've heard quite often lately is how to bridge the gap between ROS and JAUS. The Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) is an SAE International Standard for command and control of robots. A lot of people have built solutions based on ROS and need to quickly and reliably integrate those solutions using JAUS or vice versa. Previously, the learning curve to do has been difficult as there has been a lack of software to solve the problem. To assist with this problem we decided to build a software bridge between ROS and JAUS. We call it jROS and we've just finished our first cut at it!

jROS allows users to combine the power and flexibility of ROS with the maturity and robustness of the JAUS standard. The software consists of a set of ROS messages and services which are defined with respect to the JAUS message structure. This creates a 1-to-1 mapping of data in JAUS and ROS via our jROS Package. Adding the jROS topics to an existing ROS system is trivial. Once integrated, the ROS data can be exchanged with the JAUS network in a well-defined way. 

Take a closer look at jROS here: http://www.openjaus.com/products/jros

~Danny Kent, PhD
There's 10 types of people in the world; those who understand binary and those who don't.