Thanks Mike,
but I've already tried your solution. By the way, reading the error carefully I noticed that the path of the library is parsed asĀ /home/enrico/catkin_ws/devel/lib//
The problem seems to lie in the double // after lib, maybe after a change in the catkin package source code. Unfortunately I didn't succeed to solve this issue yet.

2015-01-13 13:31 GMT+01:00 Mike Purvis <>:
That does look like an ABI problem. Did you definitely sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and then rebuild your workspace (eg, rm -rf build devel; catkin_make; source devel/setup.bash)?

(This type of question is best for ROS Answers, I think...)

On 13 January 2015 at 06:28, Enrico Corvaglia <> wrote:
Hello to all the community.
I'm writing this since I'm encountering errors when I launch my custom controllers written for a KUKA LWR arm, used in combination with Gazebo simulator. The error comes when I run the roslaunch command which loads such controllers.

[ERROR] [1421148091.366974261, 5.814000000]: Could not load class kuka_controllers/BacksteppingController: Failed to load library /home/enrico/catkin_ws/devel/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = /home/enrico/catkin_ws/devel/lib// undefined symbol: _ZN26forward_command_controller24ForwardCommandControllerIN18hardware_interface20EffortJointInterfaceEE8startingERKN3ros4TimeE)
[ERROR] [1421148091.367239553, 5.814000000]: Could not load controller 'BacksteppingController' because controller type 'kuka_controllers/BacksteppingController' does not exist.
[ERROR] [1421148091.367296142, 5.814000000]: Use 'rosservice call controller_manager/list_controller_types' to get the available types

The weird thing is that running the command suggested by ROS (rosservice call [...]) it actually returns all my controllers names. This error has been introduced after the last ROS software updates and before that it was working just fine. Also I have a call to PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS in my source, so it is not that the problem.

As a note, the ROS built-in position controllers work, so it seems like a linking or a parsing error.

Thanks in advance,
Enrico C.

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