Hi guys,

We have new versions of rviz in both Indigo (1.11.7 up from 1.11.4) and Hydro (1.10.19 up from 1.10.18) in the shadow fixed repository, and I am looking for some help testing these new versions out.

You can see a summary of the changes here:

- Indigo: http://docs.ros.org/indigo/changelogs/rviz/changelog.html
- Hydro: http://docs.ros.org/hydro/changelogs/rviz/changelog.html

The shadow fixed repository, for those who do not know, is the staging repository which we use for testing before making new versions public. You can think of it as a place for release candidates. See http://wiki.ros.org/ShadowRepository for information about the process and how you can try out packages from it.

If you use rviz on Indigo or Hydro and have some spare cycles I would appreciate you testing out the new versions either from shadow fixed or by building it from source. Any issues you might find, please file them on the rviz issue tracker.

I'll keep the "release candidates" in the shadow fixed repository for about week unless we run into problems.


P.S. the link to the Indigo changes above may take some time to catch up, if you don't see 1.11.7, look here instead: https://github.com/ros-visualization/rviz/blob/11fcdadbbcc4c9d38a0bd4d580be6f0b49cbbc47/CHANGELOG.rst

William Woodall
ROS Development Team