The Bosch Research and Technology Center in Palo Alto, California, is looking for an exceptional candidate to join the personal robotics team. The candidate will mainly focus on navigation, control and motion planning for robotics. To apply please visit the website

Perform research, develop, implement and evaluate algorithms for navigation in indoor environments
The developed algorithms must be adaptable to a variety of platforms, sensors and environments
The candidate will work in an inter-disciplinary team on an exciting project with a potentially large impact worldwide

PhD in Robotics, Computer Science or related field
Excellent knowledge and proven expertise in developing navigation solution for mobile robots
Working knowledge of optimal control methods and optimization methods
Excellent C++ programming expertise is required as well as proven expertise in working with large code bases
Excellent knowledge of ROS is required
Working experience with at least one mobile robotic platform is required, more than one is a plus
Python and Java knowledge is a plus
Proven system integration and software architecture skills
Knowledge of Linux, and development on Linux systems preferred
The ability to develop, understand and implement complex algorithms efficiently and correctly
Experience with modern software engineering tools & Experience working independently in a large software setting
Excellent communication skills and demonstrated ability to multitask and deliver on challenging software development tasks

More information at


“I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.”
Umberto Eco, The name of the Rose