
Thanks for the feedback...
I tried that :

==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/indigo --distros trusty indigo -i 2
usage: git-bloom-generate rosdebian [-h] [-i DEBIAN_INC] -p PREFIX [-a]
                                    [--distros DISTROS [DISTROS ...]]
                                    [--install-prefix INSTALL_PREFIX]
                                    [--os-name OS_NAME] [-d] [--version]
git-bloom-generate rosdebian: error: too few arguments
<== Error running command '['/usr/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosdebian', '--prefix', 'release/indigo', '--distros', 'trusty', 'indigo', '-i', '2']'
Release failed, exiting.

Ambigousu argument syntax... Eventually this fixed it :
git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/indigo indigo --distros trusty -i 2

We ll see what jenkins says in a few hours :-)


2015-06-11 3:22 GMT+09:00 William Woodall via ros-release <ros-release@lists.ros.org>:
I don't believe that it is possible since the build farm will always generate a job for each supported ubuntu target on the given ROS distribution. There is no way to indicate in the distribution.yaml file that a particular target is unsupported.

You could generate the appropriate tags and branches in bloom for only a subset of ubuntu versions by adding the `--distros` option to the `git-bloom-generate rosdebian` command in the "actions" section of the `tracks.yaml` file of your release repository. However, that will not prevent the farm from generating a job for those unreleased ubuntu versions.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 8:04 AM, Dirk Thomas via ros-release <ros-release@lists.ros.org> wrote:
The rosdistro contains the repository information: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/blob/30ffc056ff662da7d59e7640bd0a6babbbc2ef1c/indigo/distribution.yaml#L1949-L1956
The debbuild status page lists the package - but red means the debs haven't been built yet: http://www.ros.org/debbuild/indigo.html?q=flask_ext_catkin (click on the first red square of a specific platform to get to the Jenkins job)
The Jenkins job is failing continuously because it can't find the necessary tags in the release repository: http://jenkins.ros.org/view/Isrc/job/ros-indigo-flask-ext-catkin_sourcedeb/33/console

bloom could not resolve your Debian dependencies and stated: `Action skipped, continuing with release.`
So it did not perform any Debian-related packaging.
I have reverted the rosdistro entry for now since it would try to rebuild this package over and over again: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pull/8650

May be William can clarify if it is possible to release the package with bloom while the dependencies for one Ubuntu distro are missing.

- Dirk

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Jack O'Quin via ros-release <ros-release@lists.ros.org> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 2:37 AM, Asmodehn Shade via ros-release <ros-release@lists.ros.org> wrote:

So I am learning how to release ros packages with bloom.

I tried to release a package ( flask_ext_catkin ) that depends on python-alembic.
Saucy doesn't have a package for python alembic, so I skipped it in the rosdep declaration.

But this seems to break my release&builds for all debian based distros.

Q : How can I get my release&builds to work for the debian based distros that have the package defined ( >trusty ) ?

Thanks a lot !

$  bloom-release --rosdistro indigo --track indigo flask-ext-catkin --edit
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/indigo indigo -i 1
Generating source debs for the packages: ['flask_ext_catkin']
Debian Incremental Version: 1
Debian Distributions: ['saucy', 'trusty']
Releasing for rosdistro: indigo

Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
Running 'rosdep update'...
Could not resolve rosdep key 'python-alembic' for distro 'saucy':
No definition of [python-alembic] for OS version [saucy]
    rosdep key : python-alembic
    OS name    : ubuntu
    OS version : saucy
    Data: fedora:
- python-alembic
  - alembic
  - python-alembic
  - python-alembic
  - python-alembic

Failed to resolve python-alembic on ubuntu:saucy with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'python-alembic', aborting.
python-alembic is depended on by these packages: ['flask_ext_catkin']
<== Failed
Some of the dependencies for packages in this repository could not be resolved by rosdep.
You can try to address the issues which appear above and try again if you wish.
Would you like to try again? [Y/n]? n
User aborted after rosdep keys were not resolved.
<== The following generator action reported that it is missing one or more
    rosdep keys, but that the key exists in other platforms:
'['/usr/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosdebian', '--prefix', 'release/indigo', 'indigo', '-i', '1']'

If you are absolutely sure that this key is unavailable for the platform in
question, the generator can be skipped and you can proceed with the release.
Skip generator action and continue with release [y/N]? y

Action skipped, continuing with release.

==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/indigo indigo -i 1

Looks to me like you *did* release flask_ext_catkin 0.1.0 to Indigo, although the build farm hasn't done anything with it yet. Maybe there's a problem there, or maybe it's just busy. 

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William Woodall
ROS Development Team

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