That organization scheme looks nice to me :).

Some comments:

- It would be nice to have a fallback for when a platform doesn't have installation rules for a particular ROS distro. For example, on Gentoo if you click Indigo, there is nothing, but it would be nice to have message letting users know that a newer or older version of the instructions might work.
- It looks like the there would be a lot of maintenance to maintain these pages. It would good to spend some time trying to figure out how write distro agnostic instructions for platforms who's instructions don't change very much between distros. This is something the current system doesn't do well either.

Both of those could be solved with some new wiki macros, maybe one that acts more like a switch statement (with a default case for unsupported ROS distros). If you figure out the way those macro's should behave I'd try to help you get them implemented.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Vincent Rabaud via ros-release <> wrote:
A demo is always better than words, how about that: ?
I am just including previous instructions, that's it.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:38 AM, Ugo Cupcic <> wrote:
Sounds good!

On 22 September 2015 at 10:46, Vincent Rabaud via ros-release <> wrote:
I am sad that good instructions for installing on non-Ubuntu platforms get lost over time (look at,

I propose to change the ROS installation page to be installation method / OS / Linux distribution centric and not ROS distribution-centric.

Why ? For coherence with the rest of the wiki (package centric) and the advantages it brings: people can see that effort was made at some point for their favorite method, installation methods for old ROS distros might still be valid (e.g. Gentoo ), and instructions won't have to be duplicated for different ROS distributions as most of it is usually the same (e.g. OSX)

What next ? I propose a central page
with all the previous Linux distros / OS icons we've detailed (e.g. had a bunch)
Those icons would point to, e.g. :
Each page would itself have the usual ROS-distro macro ( that we love so much.

I guess copying the content of the current/old pages will be the way to go (compared to linking). We will obviously keep the old links / pages valid.

Opinions ?

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