Dear ROS(-I) Community,


Here is the tentative agenda for our next Community Meeting, which will be held at ROSCon during the second Birds of a Feather session (Sunday 4, 15:10 CET) in room 121 - West wing. You can find it also at


-        Roadmap towards a unified UR driver

-        Status of the KUKA iiwa drivers

-        CAD to ROS workbench FTP details

-        Next ROS-I developers meeting


If you are an active ROS-I developer (package author and/or maintainer) and you have not yet received an invite for the next dev meeting you can send an email to to obtain one.




Mirko Bordignon, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist

Fraunhofer IPA, 326/Robot Systems

Nobelstrasse 12, 70569 Stuttgart – Germany

Phone +49(0)711-970-1629

Fax +49(0)711-970-1008