On 23 October 2015 at 02:37, Mani Monajjemi <mani.monajjemi@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Daniel,

I also hope that debs will get released soon. Have you tried installing `ros-buildfarm` in a virtualenv
​​. This [1] worked for me a couple of days ago when trying to run a pre-release test.


It got me a little further - I had to call virtualenv with python3 to get it to configure a python3 virtual environment and then I managed to install the pip3 dependencies.  However the pre-release script is still falling over not being about to find ros buildfarm's wrapper_script_path.

It has been a while since I've built open source debs, but this is above and beyond the effort required to prerelease for me though. It used to be such a fundamental part of the process - what is the current thinking? Given that its been out for at least three months, are most people just guessing, rebuilding on the farm, guessing again? Is there a planned remedy on the horizon?

My 2 cents - I'd really love to see this working again ;) ;) ;) ;)

Saves alot of time for me not having to ping pong back and forth trying to get my dependencies right and I'm sure it makes the job easier on the other end avoiding having so many red blips on the radar so often.


Mani Monajjemi

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Daniel Stonier via ros-release <ros-release@lists.ros.org> wrote:

Hi lads,

Not able to do prereleases for indigo with Trusty. The current instrunctions on the prerelease page indicate to pull in python-ros-buildfarm (currently 0.2.0-1).

However, running the prerelease script results in

repository name component must match \"[a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*\"

which is discussed in this mailing list thread by Jack, Tully and Mani and the referenced issue has seen a fix applied to python-ros-buildfarm here. However, this has yet to be released as a deb for Trusty.

I downloaded the ros-buildfarm sources and tried installing that, however it seems that requires the python3 catkin dependencies which conflicts with the rest of the indigo system I have installed.

Short of hacking the existing installed files I have with Mani's fix, is there a way I can actually get prereleases running?


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