I'd like to set up a meetup to occur in February for ROS users in the Seattle area pending working out scheduling with attendees.  Likely it would be on a week night for two or three hours at a restaurant or bar or a room with a screen if we can set that up.  Periodic meetings to follow if there is sufficient interest.  

There is a LinkedIn ROS Seattle group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8457866.  If you are interested but don't use LinkedIn feel free to email me directly, and if LinkedIn proves unsuitable meetup.com or another invite system can be used.  Once the spam problem abates I'll make an entry on http://wiki.ros.org/Events, and get an announcement onto the ros.org blog with a time and date.

Currently there is a modest contingent of members from the University of Washington, and a handful who use it in industry or for personal projects.  It would be great to start out with informal discussion of projects and at later meetups have short length presentations from scheduled speakers.


Lucas Walter