To spice things up, I'm still going to propose Leonardo Lion with these four points to counter the four points above:

1. A Lion robot hasn't been made yet, and we're doing futuristic work with goals and ambitions such that our operating system will run a lion
2. We can keep all the old turtle references. But in the future start making Lion references to show newness, and a vibrancy for the future of ROS
3. Lions have always been symbols of courage and pride in the work from all of history
4. If ROS is the Lion, then we are the lion tamers. I'd say we're all a pretty smart bunch


On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 12:46 PM, Arkapravo Bhaumik <> wrote:
Hello Devon, joq

The reasons cited for the turtle reference are;
  1.  Reference to the first mobile robots made; William Grey Walter's Elmer and Elsie - Turtle robots
  2. LOGO Turtle, probably the simplest GUI based simulations for navigation. ROS also has a package very similar to the LOGO Turtle and it is often recommended as a tutorial for newbies.
  3. "It's turtles all the way down" - iconic references in various popular texts, viz. Brief History Of Time
  4. Proverbial reference of the turtle and the hare - where hard and consistent labour wins over street smartness - isn't ROS much like that

So, seems we are stuck with the turtle, least for some time to come ! :-)



Arkapravo Bhaumik


Devon Ash
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