
As some of you may have seen already, we recently announced [1] a collaboration with the Toyota Research Institute (TRI) [2]. To make that possible, we created a for-profit subsidiary of OSRF called the Open Source Robotics Corporation (OSRC). You can also read all about it in our public release [3]. This arrangement will improve the quality, scope, and long-term viability of ROS and Gazebo, and we want to offer some direct answers to questions that may arise:

Q: Aren’t for-profit organizations bad for open source communities?
A: Not necessarily; nor are non-profit organizations necessarily good. The implications of being a non-profit vary from country to country, but it is primarily a preferential tax status that is granted in exchange for constraints on what kinds of business activities are allowed.

Q: Are ROS and/or Gazebo going to become proprietary?
A: No. We will continue to improve, distribute, support, and maintain ROS, Gazebo, and other projects as permissively-licensed open-source software. OSRF will continue to own copyright on open source code developed at OSRF and OSRC.

Q: Why did you create a for-profit subsidiary?
A: Because, generally speaking, revenue from for-profit companies cannot constitute a major part of the funding portfolio of a non-profit organization in the United States. We want to be able to work directly with companies, such as our recently-announced collaboration with TRI, without endangering the non-profit status of OSRF (it is classified under US tax law as a 501(c)(3) public charity). Therefore, we had to create a for-profit subsidiary.

Q: Is there precedent for this arrangement?
A: Yes, many open-source projects have followed similar paths. For example, the Firefox browser and Thunderbird email client are developed by the Mozilla Corporation [4], which is owned by the Mozilla Foundation. As another example, most contributions to the Linux kernel now come from employees of for-profit companies [5]. Similar statements could be made about numerous open-source projects backed by for-profit companies, such as Chromium, Ubuntu, Qt, and many others.

Q: Why now?
A: Over the past few years ROS and Gazebo have gradually transitioned from software solutions used largely in R&D and academic settings to ones that are core to commercial robotics companies. Although this specific opportunity for collaboration with TRI was a catalyst for the creation of OSRC, we had long anticipated making this transition once there was sufficient commercial adoption of ROS and Gazebo.

Q: So how did OSRF exist thus far?
A: The vast majority of OSRF's funding thus far has been in the form of grants and contracts from government agencies (e.g., [6], [7]), with a much lesser amount coming from corporate and individual donations. We are grateful for those funding sources, and we look forward to continuing to work with those stakeholders. But we believe that the future of support for both our team and the broader community will come from the burgeoning use of our tools in industry.

Q: I / my group / my company would like to collaborate with you. Is that possible?
A: Absolutely! We are here to support the global robotics community. Please contact us at info@osrfoundation.org.

We are happy to continue this discussion. If you have questions or concerns, please send them to comm@osrfoundation.org.

- Your friendly neighborhood open source robotics team.

[1] http://www.osrfoundation.org/were-collaborating-with-toyota-research-institute
[2] http://www.tri.global
[3] http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/robotics-software/osrf-forms-new-corporation-partners-with-toyota-research
[4] https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/foundation/moco/
[5] https://www.linuxfoundation.org/news-media/announcements/2015/02/linux-foundation-releases-linux-development-report
[6] http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/robotics-software/osrf-prepares-for-darpa-virtual-robotics-challenge
[7] http://www.osrfoundation.org/haptix-simulation-of-prosthetic-devices/