October 5

We're happy to announce the release of ROS 2 alpha8, aka Hook-and-loop!
Installation instructions and tutorials can be found on the wiki:
To get an idea of what's in (and what's not in) this release, be sure
to read the overview page::
A key change in this release is that Fast-RTPS is now the default ROS 2 middleware.
The list of all features available in this alpha can be found here:

~~~As the "alpha" qualifier suggests, this release of ROS 2 is far from complete. You should not expect to switch from ROS 1 to ROS 2, nor should you expect to build a new robot control system with ROS 2. Rather, you should expect to try out some demos, explore the code, and perhaps write your own demos.
As always, we invite you to try out the new software, give feedback, report bugs, and suggest features (and contribute code!):

The ROS 2 team

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