REP: XXX Title: CameraInfo updates for Diamondback Version: $Revision: 28 $ Last-Modified: $Date: 2010-09-20 23:58:20 -0700 (Mon, 20 Sep 2010) $ Author: Patrick Mihelich Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 11-Oct-2010 ROS-Version: Diamondback Post-History: 15-Oct-2010 Abstract ======== This REP adds support for binning and alternative distortion models to ``sensors_msgs/CameraInfo``. It clarifies the correct interpretation of region of interest (ROI), including how it interacts with binning and distortion. In this REP, ``sensor_msgs/CameraInfo`` acquires ``binning_x`` and ``binning_y`` fields. The distortion parameter array ``D`` is made variable-length, its meaning specified by an enum. This REP clarifies ROI to mean the raw image region as captured by the camera and introduces a distinction between raw ROI and rectified ROI. It adds appropriate new methods to the camera model classes in image_geometry_, the recommended API for using ``CameraInfo``. Motivation ========== The ``CameraInfo`` message is used ubiquitously in ROS vision code and commonly archived in bag files, so it is not to be changed lightly. ``CameraInfo`` is based on a well-established mathematical camera model [#CameraInfo]_. It already works well for by far the most common use case, capturing full-resolution images from a camera with less-than-extreme distortion. Even so, experience from developing on top of ``CameraInfo`` in Box Turtle and C Turtle has revealed several limitations of the current message. There is no support for binning, a common and useful camera feature. The distortion model has room for improvement when it comes to wide angle or fisheye lenses with severe distortion. The existing ROI support in ``CameraInfo`` was not adequately thought out, limiting its usefulness in practice. It's debatable whether any of these issues individually merit a breaking change to ``CameraInfo``. This REP batches together fixes for the major known problems with ``CameraInfo``, so that users need only update code and bag files once. I believe that together these changes represent a significant improvement. I expect the revised ``CameraInfo`` to remain stable for at least another 2-3 ROS distributions. Binning ------- Binning is the process of summing small neighborhoods of pixels on chip into larger "bins." For example, 2x2 binning reduces the resolution of the camera by half both horizontally and vertically. The chief advantage of binning is to increase the signal to noise ratio (SNR). This is especially useful in low-light environments. A second benefit is that decimating the resolution may allow for increased frame rate. Giving up resolution for increased SNR and/or frame rate is a useful trade-off in many vision applications. The utility of binning, combined with its wide availability in camera hardware, makes this a particularly valuable feature to support in ``CameraInfo``. The correct geometric interpretation of a binned image requires scaling the focal lengths and principal point calculated during calibration at full resolution. The current ``CameraInfo`` message unfortunately has no way to encode the binning parameters. Alternate Distortion Models --------------------------- Currently ``CameraInfo`` assumes the "Plumb Bob" model of distortion [#PlumbBob]_, a 5-parameter polynomial approximation of radial and tangential distortion. Recently OpenCV has added support for an 8-parameter rational polynomial distortion model. This new model offers improved stability and accuracy for wide angle and fisheye lenses, which can severely distort the image. Unfortunately the size of the distortion parameter array ``D`` in ``CameraInfo`` is fixed at 5, so there is currently no way to support more complex models. This REP makes ``D`` variable-length and introduces an enum to distinguish which distortion model was used in the calibration. These changes also accommodate adding other camera models in the future, should we find it necessary. Region of Interest ------------------ Region of interest is another common camera feature, allowing the user to instruct the imager to only capture a desired sub-rectangle of its full resolution. This may be used to reduce bandwidth, particularly with high-definition cameras that could overwhelm a network connection at full resolution. Like binning, it may increase the frame rate for some cameras. Finally, it may improve the imagery of the object we are interested in by applying smart camera features such as auto-exposure only to the relevant image patch. Applications of ROI to vision include performing high-speed tracking of an object, or acquiring a high-resolution close-up of an object with known location. ``CameraInfo`` already supports ROI in that it contains fields for the sub-rectangle captured by the imager. This ROI is given in raw image coordinates, as supplied to the imager, as that is all the camera driver is expected to know and care about. Given the ROI and the camera calibration, we (or rather image_geometry) can rectify the image patch. But what is the ROI of the rectified patch in rectified coordinates; that is, given the full rectified image, what sub-rectangle inside of it corresponds to the rectified patch? Currently image_geometry (by extension, image_proc_) assumes that the ROI in rectified coordinates is the same as the ROI in raw (unrectified) coordinates. This behavior is broken. For small ROIs and/or large amounts of distortion, the raw patch (once rectified) may not even coincide with the same ROI in rectified coordinates. In that case the rectified image patch is set to all black, as the data required to fill it was not even captured [#RoiTicket]_. Therefore we must introduce a mapping between the ROI in raw coordinates and the corresponding ROI in rectified coordinates. Specification ============= CameraInfo Message ------------------ The proposed ``CameraInfo`` message is listed (stripped of comments) below. Additions and changes are noted on the right. :: Header header uint32 seq time stamp string frame_id uint32 height uint32 width # roi used to be located here. # I've moved it to after the calibration parameters. int32 UNKNOWN = 0 # New constant int32 PLUMB_BOB = 1 # New constant int32 RATIONAL_POLYNOMIAL = 2 # New constant int32 distortion_model # New field float64[] D # Made variable-length float64[9] K float64[9] R float64[12] P uint32 binning_x # New field uint32 binning_y # New field sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest roi # Moved field uint32 x_offset uint32 y_offset uint32 height uint32 width bool do_rectify # New field Interpretation -------------- There are three parts to ``CameraInfo``. * ROS header. The time stamp is the time at which the image was captured. ``frame_id`` is the name of the optical coordinate frame with origin at the optical center of the camera. * Calibration parameters. These are fixed during camera calibration. Their values will be the same in all messages until the camera is recalibrated. Note that self-calibrating systems may "recalibrate" frequently. * Operational parameters. These define the image region actually captured by the camera driver. Although they affect the geometry of the output image, they may be changed freely without recalibrating the camera. ====================== ====================== Calibration Parameters Operational Parameters ====================== ====================== height binning_x width binning_y D roi K R P ====================== ====================== Calibration Parameters '''''''''''''''''''''' The ``height`` and ``width`` fields always contain the image dimensions with which the camera was calibrated; normally this will be the full resolution of the camera. The arrays of calibration parameters ``D``, ``K``, ``R`` and ``P`` are interpreted as described in [#CameraInfo]_ [#OpenCV]_. ``D`` contains the parameters of the model given by the ``distortion_model`` enum. Values ``PLUMB_BOB`` and ``RATIONAL_POLYNOMIAL`` signify offically recognized models as described in `Alternate Distortion Models`_. A value of ``UNKNOWN`` indicates that the ``CameraInfo`` cannot be used to rectify points or images, either because the camera is not calibrated or because the rectified image was produced using an unsupported distortion model, e.g. the proprietary one used by Bumblebee cameras [#Bumblebee]_. Operational Parameters '''''''''''''''''''''' Binning reduces the resolution of the output image to ``(width / binning_x)`` x ``(height / binning_y)``. Consumers of ``CameraInfo`` (such as image_geometry) must scale the focal lengths and principal point of the camera model. Both supported distortion models operate on normalized image coordinates (independent of focal length and principal point), and the rotation matrix ``R`` on 3D world coordinates, so binning does not affect these parameters. The ROI is specified in the binned image coordinates. A 200x300 ROI at offset (50, 70) in the full image corresponds to a 100x150 ROI at offset (25, 35) in a 2x2 binned image. ``x_offset`` and ``y_offset`` are the offset from the top-left corner of the full image to the top-left corner of the region of interest. As a convenience, setting ``roi.x_offset``, ``roi.y_offset``, ``roi.width`` and ``roi.height`` all to 0 has a special meaning; it is the same as the full resolution. This is especially useful to users of the polled camera interface [#PolledCamera]_, who can request a full resolution image despite not knowing ahead of time what that resolution is. It also means that authors of camera drivers that do not support ROI can safely ignore the ``CameraInfo/roi`` fields, which default to 0. The new field ``roi.do_rectify`` is discussed in the next section. Raw and Rectified ROI --------------------- When working with distorted images, a desired raw ROI can be given directly to the camera driver. More commonly, however, the consumer wants the camera to provide an ROI in the rectified image, and does not particularly care how the rectified image patch is acquired. To bridge the gap between user (who works in rectified coordinates) and camera driver (which understands only raw coordinates), we define a mapping between raw and rectified ROI. Given a rectified ROI, the corresponding raw ROI is the smallest sub-rectangle such that every pixel in the rectified ROI maps to a point inside the raw ROI. In other words, the raw ROI must contain all the information needed to fill the rectified ROI. Geometrically, if we distort the outline of the rectified ROI into raw coordinates, the raw ROI circumscribes the resulting curve. Likewise, given a raw ROI, the corresponding rectified ROI is the largest sub-rectangle such that every pixel in the rectified ROI maps to a point inside the raw ROI. If we rectify the outline of the raw ROI, the rectified ROI inscribes the resulting curve. When a full resolution image is captured, the behavior is different. During the camera calibration process, the user chooses a scaling which trades off between having all valid pixels in the rectified image (but discarding some pixels from the raw image) versus discarding no raw image pixels (but permitting invalid pixels in the rectified image). The assumption that all rectified pixels should be valid does not necessarily hold; that is up to the user to decide during calibration. The raw and rectified images have the same resolution, and hence the same "ROI" (the full image). ``roi.do_rectify`` is set to ``False`` to indicate that no ROI mapping should be done. When the raw ROI is only part of the full resolution, ``roi.do_rectify`` is set to ``True``. The raw ROI is mapped to the rectified ROI as described above. It is permitted to set ``roi.do_rectify = False`` when the ROI is not actually the same as the full image resolution to suppress the ROI mapping. This feature can be useful in special situations. See for example use case `#3 Cropped Video Mode`_ below. To complete the set of possibilities, the user could request an ROI of the full image resolution but with ``roi.do_rectify = True``. This ensures that the rectified image contains no invalid pixels, but it will also discard pixels from the raw image. .. Diagrams!! image_geometry API ------------------ Several new methods will be added to image_geometry's ``PinholeCameraModel`` class [#pinhole]_. The signatures below are for C++; the Python API will be equivalent. :: class PinholeCameraModel { // Resolution of the camera when it was calibrated cv::Size fullResolution() const; // Current resolution. May be reduced by binning, or by ROI // when roi.do_rectify == False cv::Size currentResolution() const; // The current binning settings int binningX() const; int binningY() const; // The current raw and rectified ROIs cv::Rect rawRoi() const; cv::Rect rectRoi() const; // Compute the rectified ROI corresponding to a given raw ROI cv::Rect rectifyRoi(cv::Rect roi_raw) const; // Compute the raw ROI corresponding to a given rectified ROI. // The second overload is more convenient for use with the // polled_camera interface. cv::Rect unrectifyRoi(cv::Rect roi_rect) const; void unrectifyRoi(cv::Rect roi_rect, sensor_msgs::RegionOfInterest& roi_raw) const; }; Internally, ``PinholeCameraModel`` will be updated to compute the rectified ROI from ``CameraInfo/roi``, and will use it when (un)rectifying points and images. Use Cases ========= Here we examine how a camera driver might fill the ``CameraInfo`` message in different modes of operation, roughly increasing in complexity. We use the WGE100 camera [#WGE100]_ as an example. This camera has 752x480 resolution, but is commonly used in 640x480 mode, which crops the left-most and right-most 56 columns of the imager. It supports both binning and ROI. The camera is calibrated only once, in full 752x480 resolution. The same camera parameters (``height``, ``width``, ``D``, ``K``, ``R``, ``P``) are reused in all cases. They are combined with the driver's current operational parameters (``binning_x``, ``binning_y``, ``roi``) to derive the geometry of the output images. #1 Full Resolution ------------------ The most basic case - we capture full 752x480 images. The relevant ``CameraInfo`` settings are:: height: 480 width: 752 binning_x: 1 binning_y: 1 roi offset_x: 0 offset_y: 0 height: 480 width: 752 do_rectify: False The ROI is the same as the full resolution. In this special case, it is also permitted to set both ``roi.height`` and ``roi.width`` to 0. The rectified image should have the same dimensions, so ``roi.do_rectify = False``. #2 Region of Interest --------------------- Let's capture a 200x300 ROI with top left corner (50, 70):: height: 480 width: 752 binning_x: 1 binning_y: 1 roi offset_x: 50 offset_y: 70 height: 300 width: 200 do_rectify: True The driver simply needs to fill in the ``roi`` field. ``roi.do_rectify`` is now set to ``True``, as the best-fitting rectified ROI may overlap poorly with the original raw ROI. #3 Cropped Video Mode --------------------- Now we change the camera to 640x480 mode, cropping 56 columns on each side:: height: 480 width: 752 binning_x: 1 binning_y: 1 roi offset_x: 56 offset_y: 0 height: 480 width: 640 do_rectify: False The cropping effect of the lower-resolution mode is encoded in ``CameraInfo`` as a ROI. ``roi.do_rectify = False`` because we wish to pretend that we are in fact running a 640x480 camera at full resolution. The rectified image will also be 640x480. #4 Cropped Video Mode with ROI ------------------------------ Again capturing a 200x300 ROI with top left corner (50, 70), this time with respect to the 640x480 image:: height: 480 width: 752 binning_x: 1 binning_y: 1 roi offset_x: 106 offset_y: 70 height: 300 width: 200 do_rectify: True Notice that the ROI in ``CameraInfo`` is actually specified in the full 752x480 resolution we calibrated with. ``roi.offset_x = 106 = 56 + 50``. #5 Binned, Cropped Video Mode ----------------------------- Staying in 640x480 cropped video mode, we enable 2x2 binning:: height: 480 width: 752 binning_x: 2 binning_y: 2 roi offset_x: 28 offset_y: 0 height: 240 width: 320 do_rectify: False The output resolution is reduced to 320x240. Since ROI is specified in binned coordinates, the ``roi`` fields are halved from #3. #6 Binned, Cropped Video Mode with ROI -------------------------------------- Finally, we capture the same ROI as in #4:: height: 480 width: 752 binning_x: 2 binning_y: 2 roi offset_x: 53 offset_y: 35 height: 150 width: 100 do_rectify: True Again, the ``roi`` fields are halved from #4. Rationale ========= In defining ``CameraInfo``, I have included both calibration parameters (fixed until the next calibration) and operational parameters (set by the camera driver, may change freely). The `Use Cases`_ section demonstrates how the operational parameters can be used to describe a variety of useful capture modes without recalibrating. One could ask, however, why include the operational parameters in ``CameraInfo`` at all? Binning rescales the focal lengths and principal point. The ROI offset shifts the principal point. A major alternative approach is to modify the projection matrix in the camera driver to describe the geometry of the individual output image. I have three objections to this approach. First is separation of concerns. In ROS we consider camera drivers to have a very specific function: read pixels off the imager, shove them directly into a ``sensor_msgs/Image`` message, and publish. They are not expected to understand the camera model at all, merely regurgitate the calibration parameters provided to them externally. This keeps drivers simple and focused, and avoids requiring external dependencies such as OpenCV. Second, the operational parameters are useful information in certain vision tasks, particularly ones which actively interact with the camera. The initial motivation for including ROI in ``CameraInfo`` was an application which tracked a small object at high speed by updating the ROI of a high-definition camera after each detection [#Milestone2]_. In this case, I needed to know the ROI of the incoming image to calculate the updated ROI. Third, ``CameraInfo`` as specified permits some convenient optimizations. Without getting deeply into implementation details, rectifying a full resolution image for the first time is a fairly heavyweight operation. It involves generating matrices mapping each rectified pixel to a location in the raw image. These maps can be reused, however, on subsequent images, greatly reducing the expense of rectification. Furthermore, when ROI is used you can cheaply extract and use the same ROI from the full resolution map; this is a nice win when the ROI is frequently changing, as in the tracking application mentioned above. With the alternate approach, changing the ROI likely entails generating a new map specific to that ROI. Rejected Features ----------------- Some requested features I have declined to include in this REP, generally because I do not see enough benefit to justify the added complexity. Different Dimensions for Rectified Image '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' At least one user has wanted to make the dimensions of the rectified image larger than those of the raw image [#Resize]_. The advantage is that the rectified image can contain all of the pixels from the raw image without under-sampling them. When packing all of the original pixels into a rectified image with the same dimensions, some details can be lost, especially when there is significant radial distortion. Implementation-wise, this is not particularly difficult. It requires adding fields to ``CameraInfo`` for the dimensions of the rectified image at full resolution, analogous to ``height`` and ``width``. image_geometry would use these fields when creating the rectification maps. We would add some way to select different dimensions in camera_calibration_. While potentially nice to have, I need more convincing that this feature is actually necessary. camera_calibration's alpha slider [#CalibTut]_ already allows the user to choose a trade-off between using all of the original pixels and preserving detail. The cost of adding this feature is some measure of additional complexity, and it is likely to cause confusion. It might break code that assumes the rectified image has the same dimensions as the raw image at full resolution. Publish CameraInfo Only When Parameters Change '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' One FAQ is, "Why send ``CameraInfo`` with every Image message? Why not only once?" The main answer is that operational parameters (binning, ROI) may change, perhaps rapidly, from image to image. Even the calibration parameters may be updated regularly in self-calibrating systems. The natural follow-up question is, "Why not send ``CameraInfo`` only when it changes?" The biggest issue is that when the ``CameraInfo`` does change, how do you synchronize that change with the Image stream on the client side? Either you go ahead with the most recent parameters, risking garbage interpretation if the new ``CameraInfo`` has not arrived yet, or you wait for a ``CameraInfo`` that most of the time will not be sent. Worst of all, what if a ``CameraInfo`` update gets dropped? In any case, the potential savings are meager, as ``CameraInfo`` is much smaller than the typical ``Image`` message. To be fair, this question most recently came up in the context of a camera with a proprietary (and large) distortion model [#Bumblebee]_. Including this model in every ``CameraInfo`` message would indeed waste a large amount of bandwidth. Obviously, though, we can't support this proprietary model, and the thread suggested good alternative solutions. As long as ``CameraInfo`` remains small relative to an ``Image``, I see no reason to complicate matters in pursuit of tiny bandwidth optimizations. Mirroring ''''''''' Some cameras [#WGE100]_ support effects such as flipping the image horizontally or vertically, or rotating the entire image 180 degrees. With flags for these settings in ``CameraInfo``, it would be possible to update the calibration parameters with respect to the mirroring. However, this adds complexity in support of a relatively rare feature, and I do not see a compelling use case for changing the mirroring settings after calibrating the camera. The user should look at the raw images, mirror them into the desired orientation, and then consider those settings fixed prior to calibration. Backwards Compatibility ======================= Nodes exclusively using image_geometry to interface with ``CameraInfo`` (as recommended) should continue to work with no changes. In fact, they will gain support for binning. Nodes actively using ROI with rectified images, especially if they use the polled camera interface [#PolledCamera]_, will need to be updated. In fact I am not aware of any such nodes in current use. People trying to write them tend to get stymied by the issues with rectifying ROI image patches [#RoiTicket]_. I am not concerned about breaking backwards compatibility with the old rectified ROI, because the old behavior is already broken and therefore little-used. The biggest pain point is that previously recorded bag files containing ``CameraInfo`` will need to be migrated before they work with Diamondback nodes. Still, this is easily accomplished using ``rosbag fix``. The migration rule will fill in the new / modified fields as follows:: binning_x = 1 binning_y = 1 roi.do_rectify = (roi.width > 0 && roi.width < width) || (roi.height > 0 && roi.height < height) distortion_model = PLUMB_BOB D copied as-is Reference Implementation ======================== The new features are not yet implemented in image_geometry. I'd like to reach consensus before investing the coding effort. References ========== .. [#CameraInfo] CameraInfo and the Image Pipeline, Konolige ( .. [#PlumbBob] Camera Calibration Toolbox, Bouguet ( .. [#RoiTicket] Prosilica rectification is wrong when an ROI is specified ( .. [#OpenCV] OpenCV Camera Calibration ( .. [#Bumblebee] Using Bumblebee Xb3 with image_pipeline, ros-users ML ( .. [#PolledCamera] polled_camera Package, Mihelich ( .. [#pinhole] image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel Class Reference ( .. [#WGE100] wge100_camera Package, Gassend ( .. [#Milestone2] Milestone 2 Explained ( .. [#Resize] Allow image_proc to resize an image ( .. [#CalibTut] How to Calibrate a Monocular Camera, Bowman ( .. _image_geometry: .. _image_proc: .. _camera_calibration: Copyright ========= This document has been placed in the public domain. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: