[roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,671] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] UDPROS server listening on port [45861] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,676] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] Started node [/slam_gmapping], pid [27612], bound on [bunower-MacBook], xmlrpc port [43094], tcpros port [57139], logging to [/home/bunower/.ros/log/slam_gmapping_27612.log], using [real] time [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,677] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] Publisher update for [/tf]: already have these connections: [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,679] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] Publisher update for [/reset_time]: already have these connections: [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,680] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,682] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [searchParam] returned an error (-1): [Cannot find parameter [tf_prefix] in an upwards search] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,682] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] Creating intraprocess link for topic [/tf] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,684] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [searchParam] returned an error (-1): [Cannot find parameter [tf_prefix] in an upwards search] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,685] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/throttle_scans] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,686] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/base_frame] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,687] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/map_frame] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,688] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/odom_frame] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,689] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/map_update_interval] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,690] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/sigma] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,691] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/kernelSize] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,692] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/lstep] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,693] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/astep] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,694] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/iterations] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,695] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/lsigma] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,696] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/ogain] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,697] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/lskip] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,698] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/srr] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,700] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/srt] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,701] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/str] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,702] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/stt] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,703] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/linearUpdate] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,704] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/angularUpdate] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,705] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/temporalUpdate] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,706] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/resampleThreshold] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,707] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/particles] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,709] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/xmin] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,710] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/ymin] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,711] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/xmax] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,713] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/ymax] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,714] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/delta] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,715] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/occ_thresh] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,717] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/llsamplerange] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,718] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/llsamplestep] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,719] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/lasamplerange] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,721] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/slam_gmapping/lasamplestep] is not set] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,729] [thread 0xb67df710]: [DEBUG] Publisher update for [/base_scan]: already have these connections: [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,768] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Publisher update for [/tf]: http://bunower-MacBook:43094/, already have these connections: http://bunower-MacBook:43094/, [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,791] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] Accepted connection on socket [7], new socket [11] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,791] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] TCPROS received a connection from [] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:52,799] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] Connection: Creating TransportSubscriberLink for topic [/rosout] connected to [callerid=[/rosout] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 11]]] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,577] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Publisher update for [/tf]: http://bunower-MacBook:43094/, http://bunower-MacBook:51429/, already have these connections: http://bunower-MacBook:43094/, [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,577] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Began asynchronous xmlrpc connection to [bunower-MacBook:51429] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,579] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Publisher update for [/base_scan]: http://bunower-MacBook:51429/, already have these connections: [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,579] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Began asynchronous xmlrpc connection to [bunower-MacBook:51429] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Connecting via tcpros to topic [/tf] at host [bunower-MacBook:50883] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Resolved publisher host [bunower-MacBook] to [] for socket [10] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Async connect() in progress to [bunower-MacBook:50883] on socket [10] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Connected to publisher of topic [/tf] at [bunower-MacBook:50883] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Connecting via tcpros to topic [/base_scan] at host [bunower-MacBook:50883] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Resolved publisher host [bunower-MacBook] to [] for socket [14] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,601] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Async connect() in progress to [bunower-MacBook:50883] on socket [14] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,601] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Connected to publisher of topic [/base_scan] at [bunower-MacBook:50883] [ros.gmapping] [2011-05-19 20:48:41,350] [thread 0xb67df710]: [WARN] Message from [/play_1305830875532724764] has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [ultrasonic_link]. Resolved locally to [/ultrasonic_link]. This is will likely not work in multi-robot systems. This message will only print once. [ros.gmapping.message_filter] [2011-05-19 20:48:55,820] [thread 0xb67df710]: [WARN] MessageFilter [target=/odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information. [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,863] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] Socket [10] received 0/4 bytes, closing [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,863] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] TCP socket [10] closed [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,863] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] Connection to publisher [TCPROS connection to [bunower-MacBook:50883 on socket 10]] to topic [/tf] dropped [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,866] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] Socket [14] received 0/4 bytes, closing [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,866] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] TCP socket [14] closed [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,866] [thread 0xb67ddb70]: [DEBUG] Connection to publisher [TCPROS connection to [bunower-MacBook:50883 on socket 14]] to topic [/base_scan] dropped [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,950] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Publisher update for [/tf]: http://bunower-MacBook:43094/, already have these connections: http://bunower-MacBook:43094/, http://bunower-MacBook:51429/, [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,950] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Disconnecting from publisher [/play_1305830875532724764] of topic [/tf] at [http://bunower-MacBook:51429/] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,953] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Publisher update for [/base_scan]: already have these connections: http://bunower-MacBook:51429/, [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,954] [thread 0xb5fdcb70]: [DEBUG] Disconnecting from publisher [/play_1305830875532724764] of topic [/base_scan] at [http://bunower-MacBook:51429/]