Just to clarify, these are builds of ROS Indigo targeted at Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) running on armhf processors.


On Aug 15, 2014, at 5:29 PM, Austin Hendrix <legotown@aol.com> wrote:

I’m pleased to announce that I have experimental binary builds of ROS available for ARM and ready for wider testing.

I have builds of the ros-core and ros-base metapackages, along with PCL and the navigation stack.

Notably missing are the OpenNi drivers, rviz, moveit, and many other packages. I’m planning to work on them, but they’re not currently available.

Installation instructions are available at http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Installation/UbuntuARM , and the full build status is available at http://packages.namniart.com/repos/status/indigo.html (green packages are built, red packages failed to build).
