[roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,535] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] UDPROS server listening on port [33680] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,540] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] Started node [/play_1305830875532724764], pid [27670], bound on [bunower-MacBook], xmlrpc port [51429], tcpros port [50883], logging to [/home/bunower/.ros/log/play_1305830875532724764_27670.log], using [real] time [ros.rosbag] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,541] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [INFO] Opening lasedata.bag [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,599] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] Accepted connection on socket [7], new socket [14] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,599] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] TCPROS received a connection from [] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,599] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] Connection: Creating TransportSubscriberLink for topic [/rosout] connected to [callerid=[/rosout] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 14]]] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] Accepted connection on socket [7], new socket [11] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] TCPROS received a connection from [] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,600] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] Connection: Creating TransportSubscriberLink for topic [/tf] connected to [callerid=[/slam_gmapping] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 11]]] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,601] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] Accepted connection on socket [7], new socket [15] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,601] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] TCPROS received a connection from [] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:47:55,601] [thread 0xb68b2b70]: [DEBUG] Connection: Creating TransportSubscriberLink for topic [/base_scan] connected to [callerid=[/slam_gmapping] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 15]]] [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,843] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] Shutting down roscpp [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,852] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] Shutting down topics... [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,852] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] shutting down publishers [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,856] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] Connection to subscriber [callerid=[/rosout] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 14]]] to topic [/rosout] dropped [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,856] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] TCP socket [14] closed [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,863] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] Connection to subscriber [callerid=[/slam_gmapping] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 11]]] to topic [/tf] dropped [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,863] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] TCP socket [11] closed [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,866] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] Connection to subscriber [callerid=[/slam_gmapping] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 15]]] to topic [/base_scan] dropped [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,866] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] TCP socket [15] closed [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,866] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] shutting down subscribers [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,866] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] ServiceManager::shutdown(): unregistering our advertised services [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,877] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] UDP socket [8] closed [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,877] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] TCP socket [7] closed [roscpp_internal] [2011-05-19 20:49:13,882] [thread 0xb68b4710]: [DEBUG] Shutdown finished