I just thought I'd let people know that I just pushed out version 2.1, which makes the topics that it scans for vehicle names and GPS coordinates configurable.  More details are in the README.  If you've already got a database up and running and you want to update it without starting over from scratch, there are buttons in the administration panel that should force it to re-scan those items.

I'll probably take a little more time before I get another release out, I just wanted to get those done quickly because I know they're important.

Thanks for all the feedback so far!

On 05/05/2016 04:50 PM, Hordur Heidarsson wrote:
Nice! Writing something like this has been on my todo list for a wile, and now I don't have to! :)
I've set it up using docker, super easy, and it's indexing right now, working nicely so far.

Few questions:
- The description, location & vehicle fields, can those be put in the bag file somehow before, like at recording time?
- If I fill those fields out, is there any way of syncing the info back to the bag files or to some sidecar file?
  (I actually wrote a tool to add metadata to bag files some time back https://github.com/hordurk/rosbag_metadata and was going to build some server side support for it later on)
- Possible to edit those fields for many files at once (put same info in them for many files)?
- I'm not seeing GPS data even though my bags have it. Is it looking for something else than sensor_msgs/NavSatFix ?
  ....Never mind, just noticed that you only search at certain topics. Is this configurable? Why not just search for any topic of type sensor_msgs/NavSatFix?

Awesome work, thanks for sharing!

- hordur

P. J. Reed, Senior Research Analyst
(210) 522-6948
Intelligent Vehicle Systems (http://ivs.swri.org)
Applied Sensing Department (http://appliedsensing.swri.org)
Southwest Research Institute (http://www.swri.org)