[Ros-release] Fuete release install error

Chris Bruner cbruner at quadro.net
Thu Apr 26 19:30:51 UTC 2012

On 4/26/2012 1:59 PM, Ken Conley wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:42 PM, Chris Bruner<cbruner at quadro.net>  wrote:
>> Two errors, the first trivial.
>> In the Gentoo install wiki
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/fuerte/Installation/Gentoo
>> It says to "make install" should be "sudo make install"
> Please feel free to edit the Gentoo wiki page.  That page is
> maintained by the ROS Gentoo Community, of which you are a part.
>> The second error is more difficult.
>> When actually doing the install, it does part of it, but then fails at
>> catlin
>> This is the actual end of the install attempt. It was made with
>>   notice that the error line contains deb stuff.
> This looks like some issue with SETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT not being
> processed.  You may want to try with a clean and fully up-to-date tree
> just to make sure the wrong setting wasn't there.  The underlying
> CMake variable that appears to be getting the wrong value is
> SETUPTOOLS_ARG_EXTRA, which should be set to empty.
>   - Ken

  ~/ros-underlay $ grep SETUPTOOLS * -r
catkin/cmake/python.cmake:option(SETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT "ON for debian 
style python packages layout" ON)
catkin/cmake/python.cmake:  set(SETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT OFF)
catkin/cmake/python.cmake:  set(SETUPTOOLS_ARG_EXTRA 
"--install-layout=deb" CACHE STRING "extra arguments to setuptools")
catkin/cmake/python.cmake:  set(SETUPTOOLS_ARG_EXTRA "" CACHE STRING 
"extra arguments to setuptools")

which looks like the ptyhon.cmake option didn't get the news.  Any idea 
of how to correct it?

Chris Bruner

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