[Ros-release] "[build_debs]: FAILURE: Internal failure release system" for dry stack

Tully Foote tfoote at willowgarage.com
Thu Jan 24 23:15:28 UTC 2013

Yeah those instructions are definitely out of date.

Yes the notifications are intentionally disabled.  We didn't want to fill
peoples inboxes with false positive failure notifications as we were
tweaking the build farm, otherwise you'll become immune to them and ignore
them.   There's still occasions when one of our build slaves will fall flat
and every job run on it will fail instantly.

As the occurrences of that are getting less frequent we'll turn on the
notifications soon.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 2:20 AM, Armin Hornung <
HornungA at informatik.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:

> I ran across the following error in the dry build of humanoid_navigation
> for lucid [1]
> [build_debs]: FAILURE: Internal failure release system. Please notify
> leibs and kwc @willowgarage.com:
> Command '['sudo', 'pbuilder', '--create', '--distribution', 'lucid',
> '--debootstrap', 'debootstrap', '--debootstrapopts', '--arch=i386',
> '--mirror', 'http://aptproxy.willowgarage.**com/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu<http://aptproxy.willowgarage.com/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu>
> '**, '--othermirror', 'debhttp://aptproxy.**willowgarage.com/us.archive.**
> ubuntu.com/ubuntu/<http://aptproxy.willowgarage.com/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/> lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse|debhttp://
> 50.28.27.**175/repos/building <>  lucid
> main', '--basetgz', '/var/cache/pbuilder/lucid-**i386-dry_6.tgz',
> '--components', 'main restricted universe multiverse', '--extrapackages',
> 'wget lsb-release debhelper build-essential python-yaml cmake subversion
> python-setuptools pkg-config libxml2-dev libtool unzip strace',
> '--aptcache', '/home/rosbuild/aptcache/**lucid-i386',
> '--debootstrapopts', '--keyring=/etc/apt/trusted.**gpg', '--keyring',
> '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg']' returned non-zero exit status 1
> Sending it here since I don't think the instructions are still valid
> (notify leibs and kwc)...
> By the way, are email notifications on build errors intentionally disabled?
> [1] http://jenkins.willowgarage.**com:8080/view/FbinL32/job/ros-**
> fuerte-humanoid-navigation_**binarydeb_lucid_i386/100/**console<http://jenkins.willowgarage.com:8080/view/FbinL32/job/ros-fuerte-humanoid-navigation_binarydeb_lucid_i386/100/console>
> --
> Armin Hornung
> Humanoid Robots Lab, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
> Contact: http://www.informatik.uni-**freiburg.de/~hornunga<http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~hornunga>
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Tully Foote
tfoote at willowgarage.com
(650) 475-2827
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