[ros-users] People Stack/Face Detector

Caroline Pantofaru pantofaru at willowgarage.com
Sun Aug 1 16:49:35 UTC 2010

Hi David

Right now the face detector uses the median disparity within the face
bounding box to check that the face is:
- less than 8 meters from the camera
- has a width greater than 10cm
- has a width less than 50cm

Those limits are pretty arbitrary, I can expose them as parameters in the
next release. Please create a ticket and assign it to me so that I don't

You might want to check the disparities coming from your cameras. The limits
I've set on the face size are very loose, so I'm surprised that you aren't
getting any acceptable faces.


On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 7:13 PM, David Lu!! <davidvlu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm running the face detector from the newly released people stack. It
> finds faces well, but none with good depth and size. What qualifies as good
> depth and size?
> Thanks,
> David!!
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