[ros-users] Integrating ROS node subscriber with X-Plane plugin

Josh Faust jfaust at willowgarage.com
Mon Aug 2 00:38:55 UTC 2010

Hi Tom,

What do you mean by x-plane crashing?  Does it output an error message?

> Some immediate hunches (but not sure how to verify/fix) and questions:
> (1) xplane is a 32bit application.  Could my build process (described
> below) be inadvertently using 64bit versions of compiled ROS libs?

This is certainly possible, though I would expect the linker to complain
since it looks like you're only trying to build your executable 32bit and
not the rest of your ROS dependencies.  What does 'file `rospack find
roscpp`/lib/libros.dylib' tell you?

The first thing I'd check is if the correct compiler flags are actually
getting through.  In your package:
make clean
VERBOSE=1 make

If they are, you probably need to set them for the rest of ROS as well by
using the ROS_COMPILE_FLAGS cmake variable inside a custom rosconfig.cmake
as explained here:

(2) I am calling ros::init() in a non-main fn, so I'm using the version
> based on map<string,string>.  I'm sending in an empty map b/c I have no
> params to remap.  Am I doing this wrong?  (source for XP_ROS_Plugin.cpp
> below; I did verify in an separate, non-X-Plane-related build that I can use
> ros::init() in this way without crashing...)

That should be fine.

> (3) Generally: how does one go about debugging a setup like this (on mac,
> ros inside a plugin inside another app)?  How can I get more details about
> what is going on when ros::init() is called?
You can usually debug these things the same way you'd debug anything else --
run xplane in gdb and go from there.  First I'd check what error message
it's outputting when crashing though.  I'm not on my mac at the moment but
if it's crashing with an OSX popup asking to report it you should be able to
click the report button and it'll show a bunch more information.

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