[ros-users] Integrating ROS node subscriber with X-Plane plugin

Clayton Morrison clayton at cs.arizona.edu
Wed Aug 4 02:50:38 UTC 2010


Many thanks!  After manually editing the CMakeLists.txt (and also a number of the link.txt and build.make files under CMakeFiles -- I couldn't figure out how to get my flags to propagate from CMakeLists.txt) I did manage to get rospack and rosstack to compile 32bit.  After that, rosmake --pre-clean xplane-package worked.  So far everything else seems to be working great.  Thanks for you help!


On Aug 2, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Josh Faust wrote:

> FYI for everything but rospack/rosstack you should've just been able to do "rosmake --pre-clean <your_package>", this will do the "make clean; make" for you in each dependency.
> As far as rospack/rosstack go, they're a bit special since they have to get built before rosbuild works (since rosbuild uses rospack).  I think you'll probably need to set the compiler flags manually in the rospack CMakeLists.txt as you would normally for cmake (not rosbuild+cmake).
> Josh
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Clayton Morrison <clayton at cs.arizona.edu> wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> More progress: following your suggestion of make clean/VERBOSE=1 make inside roscpp has definitely helped.  I found and reinstalled universal variants in port for boost and log4cxx, and I was able to manually rebuild xmlrpc as 32bit within it's 3rd party package.
> The four remaining libs to rebuild are rospack, rosstack, roslib and rosconsole.  I have the following rosconfig.make file in <ROSROOT>:
> 	cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.6)
> 	set(ROS_LINK_FLAGS "${ROS_LINK_FLAGS} -arch i386")
> roslib and rosconsole seem to get the specified flags, but rospack and rosstack don't (I am doing make clean/VERBOSE=1 make in each individual package).  I even put rosconfig.make inside the rospack package root.
> What do I need to do to get rospack and rosstack to see the -arch 1386 flags?
> Thanks!
> -Clay
> On Aug 1, 2010, at 11:38 PM, Josh Faust wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> Thank you for the help!  (I'm Clay, btw -- forgot to sign my previous email; I cc'd Tom and Ian, who are helping me.)
>> Whoops, sorry!  Must have seen the cc and didn't scroll up all the way to see if I got the right name.
>> It sounds like your problems definitely stem from the rest of ROS being built 64-bit, since the error message implies that it couldn't load the library, and libros.dylib is an x86_64 dylib.  If you've followed the rest of the instructions for rosconfig.cmake (you'll probably want to create/edit $(ROS_ROOT)/rosconfig.cmake), you may just need to "rosmake --pre-clean <your package>"
>> If that doesn't work you can check if the compile flags are getting through by going to the roscpp directory (roscd roscpp) and doing a make clean/VERBOSE=1 make in there.
>> If you start using any of the 3rdparty packages that don't use our build system (like bullet) you may run into more problems, as I'm not sure they follow the rosconfig.cmake's definitions.
>> Josh
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> Clayton T. Morrison
> Assistant Research Professor
> University of Arizona
> web: http://cs.arizona.edu/~clayton/
> email: clayton at cs.arizona.edu
> office: 520-621-6609
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Clayton T. Morrison
Assistant Research Professor
University of Arizona
web: http://cs.arizona.edu/~clayton/
email: clayton at cs.arizona.edu
office: 520-621-6609

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