[ros-users] getting frame transformations and jacobians

Wim Meeussen meeussen at willowgarage.com
Mon Aug 30 17:02:08 UTC 2010


> Is there a simple example of getting various Jacobian from a generic urdf?
> After a little digging around in the pr2_cockpit stack it seems the correct
> route is to use KDL to make a model from the urdf, but I was hoping for a
> simpler example, and there isn't much in the way of KDL tutorials.

The best route is indeed through KDL. And you're right, KDL is lacking
documentation, although there are some small examples on the KDL
homepage <http://www.orocos.org/kdl>.   For an example of Jacobian
usage in our ROS distro, take a look at the
cartesian_wrench_controller in the robot_mechanism_controllers


Wim Meeussen
Willow Garage Inc.

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