[ros-users] IK with KDL

Herman Bruyninckx Herman.Bruyninckx at mech.kuleuven.be
Mon Dec 6 11:23:35 UTC 2010

On Mon, 6 Dec 2010, Ruben Smits wrote:

> On Sunday 05 December 2010 17:57:52 Pablo Iñigo Blasco wrote:
>> Hi Ruben and ROS community!
>> Our group is trying to use kdl IKs in a similar way as Herman says. We
>> are also interested in relaxing some of the destination frame
>> constraints. In our case we're only interested in the location of the
>> end-effector, not its orientation. We've been having a look to all
>> iksolvers (both position and velocity). As you said it seems easy to
>> figure out how solve this problem from the existing code. However we
>> are shuffling two alternatives:
>> 1 - To implement a completely new iksolver_pos inspired in
>> ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL and ChainIkSolverVel_wdls (mainly changing the
>> epsilon error check code taking into account the weights in the
>> iksolver_pos too)
>> 2 - To implement the "the mysterious unimplemented and uncommented"
>> method: virtual int CartToJnt(const JntArray& q_init, const FrameVel&
>> v_in, JntArrayVel& q_out) of the ChainIkSolverVel_wdls. It's curious,
>> all of IkSolversVel have this method unimplemented. Why don't remove
>> it? :-)
>> We wonder if this method is supposed to solve the ikpos and ikvel
>> simultaneously. What is the right semantic of this method?
> That's exactly what it is supposed to do (according to the documentation of
> the function: Calculate inverse position and velocity kinematics, from
> cartesian position and velocity to joint positions and velocities)

Well, the naming of the parameters suggests something else: the IVK is
computed with the current joint positions as _inputs_, so the IPK need not
be solved anymore.

> I've introduced the function when I was playing with the idea that this was a
> good thing. I'm not so sure anymore.

There are use cases where this makes sense, since it is common to be able
to read the current joint positions.


>> Would such
>> implementation be cohesive with the class responsibilities?
> I think that might be the main problem. Because you loose the capability of
> mixing different algorithms at the velocity and the position level.
>> This is our theory since the output of this method is a JntArrayVel
>> q_out object. We think that it could be implemented in this way:
>> q_out = [q_end, delta_q] / q_end = ik(get_pose(v_in)) ^ delta_q =
>> q_end - q_init.
>> (alternatively, another interpretation for delta_q could be: delta_q=
>> ik_vel(get_twist(v_in))
>> Suggestions? Corrections?
> After going through this I'm even more convinced the function should be
> removed. There is no clean way to implement it generically.

> Ruben
>> Thank you.
>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Ruben Smits
>> <ruben.smits at mech.kuleuven.be> wrote:
>>> On Monday 15 November 2010 11:13:51 Ruben Smits wrote:
>>>> On Thursday 11 November 2010 11:52:06 Jeroen Willems wrote:
>>>>> On 2010-11-09 09:27, Herman Bruyninckx wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 9 Nov 2010, Jeroen Willems wrote:
>>>>>>> I have a question regarding the inverse kinematics using KDL.
>>>>>>> I would like to use carttojnt of the inverse kinematics solver.
>>>>>>> The problem is I have to use a destination frame as input.
>>>>>>> I'm using something similar to a elbow manipulator so you can
>>>>>>> imagine I only want a reference position. The arm only can have
>>>>>>> 2 poses to a reference position, to get the rotational part of
>>>>>>> the frame I actually have to get the joint positions to
>>>>>>> calculate it (correct me if I'm wrong).
>>>>>>> So
>>>>>>> 1. Am I right?
>>>>>>> 2. Could I use KDL to compute the IK or should I use an analytic
>>>>>>> solution?
>>>>>> The major issue with your problem is that "IK" does not make too
>>>>>> much sense for a 2DOF system: when you don't take precautions the
>>>>>> input frame will never lie in the span of your 2DOF, so you will
>>>>>> have make a "projection" from the full 6D space onto your 2D
>>>>>> subspace. KDL has algorithms to do that, but they make choices
>>>>>> about how to project that might not correspond to your intuition.
>>>>>> But that's inevitable.
>>>>>> So, please try to formulate exactly what kind of input you would
>>>>>> like or need to have.
>>>>>> Herman
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>>>>> Thanks for the response.
>>>>> Okay to be more precise to give a better idea of what I'm doing.
>>>>> I have an hexapod, so a torso with 6 legs consisting of 3 links
>>>>> (without torso) and 3 joints. I want to be the tip/foot on an
>>>>> specific point (x,y,z) in respect to the torso (thorax) so I have to
>>>>> know the three joint positions to get there.
>>>>> So preferable without giving a rotation. So I'm really curious how to
>>>>> obtain this or how to use a "projection".
>>>> There is a inverse (CartToJnt) velocity solver in KDL that you can use
>>>> to disable (or weigth)  some of the degrees of freedom in the
>>>> cartesian space:
>>>> http://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~orocos/pub/devel/kdl/latest/api/html/cl
>>>> assK DL_1_1ChainIkSolverVel__wdls.html
>>>> You can use the setWeightTS function for this. Setting a diagonal value
>>>> of zero disables the joint, every other value neq 0 will be used as a
>>>> weighting value.
>>> This should have been: disables the degree of freedom (0-5)->(TX-Z,RX-Z)
>>> R.
>>>> So if you want to disable the rotations, just set the last three
>>>> diagonal values to 0.
>>>> You can then use this solver in one of the inverse position solvers,
>>>> but the problem is that we do not have a solver yet that can take
>>>> these weights into account. But I do not think it should be to hard to
>>>> figure that out yourself when starting from the code of the iterative
>>>> solver for the inverse position kinematics:
>>>> http://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~orocos/pub/devel/kdl/latest/api/html/cl
>>>> assK DL_1_1ChainIkSolverPos__NR.html
>>>> Ruben

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