[ros-users] Avoiding Collisions between robots

David Portugal davidbsp at iol.pt
Tue Dec 28 19:40:11 UTC 2010

Thank you for the insight Brian. This is really a big problem with  
homogeneous teams of robots.

I have changed the value to 0.0 and got the same result as before.  
Isn't setting the laser position to z=0 the same as mounting it on top  
of the robot? I've also tried with negative values of z but the result  
was the same, so I was very intrigued with the problem and I've tried  
a new test:

- Resize the laser in order to have the same area as the base (of  
course this isn't really very realistic).

Having the lasers with the same area as the base and mounted on top of  
them, robots were now able to avoid each other, because they now  
account for the whole area occupied by the robot.


David Portugal

Mobile Robotics Laboratory
Institute of Systems and Robotics
University of Coimbra

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