[ros-users] SICKLMS 200 Error

Rishi Bedi rbedi100 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 16:25:40 UTC 2010

I'm trying to use the sicktoolbox_wrapper stack with a SICK LMS200 laser
rangefinder (connected over serial; port /dev/ttyS0). I set the permissions
as described here (
http://www.ros.org/wiki/sicktoolbox_wrapper/Tutorials/UsingTheSicklms) -- it
shows: "crw-rw-rw- 1 root dialout 4, 64 2010-07-13 11:36 /dev/ttyS0".
However, I get an error when I run the following:

rishi at rishi-portable:~$ rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms _port:=/dev/ttyS0

The error:

    *** Attempting to initialize the Sick LMS...
    Attempting to open device @ /dev/ttyS0
        Device opened!
    Attempting to start buffer monitor...
        Buffer monitor started!
    Attempting to set requested baud rate...
A Timeout Occurred!  2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred!  1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_
sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success!
    Failed to set requested baud rate...
    Attempting to detect LMS baud rate...
        Checking 19200bps...
A Timeout Occurred!  2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred!  1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max
number of tries w/o success!
        Checking 38400bps...
A Timeout Occurred!  2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred!  1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max
number of tries w/o success!
        Checking 500Kbps...
A Timeout Occurred!  2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred!  1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max
number of tries w/o success!
ERROR: I/O exception - SickLMS::Initialize: failed to detect baud rate!
[ERROR] [1279035417.096500632]: Initialise failed! are you using the correct
device path?
[ERROR] [1279035417.096682835]: woah! error!

It seems the issue is the baud rate, but I set it manually in my rosrun
command -- any ideas?

Rishi Bedi
rbedi100 at gmail.com
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